[b]Appearance:[/b][center][img]http://i16.photobucket.com/albums/b8/hskira/chars/unplayed/littledeer.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name:[/b] Ahyoka Chotkey [b]Age:[/b] 31 [b]Gender:[/b] female [b]Occupation prior to apocalypse:[/b] store manager [b]Family:[/b] Father - last seen when she left home. Believed to be dead Mother - last seen when she left home. Believed to be dead Brother - In Florida. Status unknown. [b]Education:[/b] high school [b]Skills:[/b] growing up on a reserve greatly benefited Ahyoka in terms of skills. She is highly skilled in using a traditional bow and arrow, tracking and hunting. She can also make daggers and spears, given the right materials. She is good at being light on her feet and slipping in and out of small areas with little noise. She is good at calming those who are angry/panicked and she is able to make allies with almost anyone. [b]Fears:[/b] Even though she left her parents on bad terms, she is scared that they have become mindless monsters like the ones that plague the earth these days. She is also fearful that her brother may also be dead. She is scared of turning into one of those walkers and that this horror will never end. She is also fearful that others will take it upon themselves to take advantage of those who are vulnerable and soon the world will be a cold place full of those with no heart and no appreciation for the earth. [b]Disadvantages:[/b] She has a tenancy to trust others too soon or too much. She tries to see the good in people even if there may be no good to see. Her knowledge of firearms is vague (her reserve liked to hunt the traditional way and the only time she ever used a gun was when her and a friend went to a shooting range). She is often silent and does not take sides in arguments. [b]Morals/religion:[/b] Being raised on the reserve, Ahyoka grew up with the mentality that mother nature and all things on this earth are spiritual and should be respected. When she left the reserve for the city, her ideals changed slightly but she still has a strong respect for nature. She holds an especial love for the sun. Other than that, she has no religious beliefs. She is however hesitant to kill a non-walker even if they pose a threat. [b]Main weapon:[/b] bow and arrows [b]Secondary weapon:[/b] fire axe from her store [b]Equipment:[/b] Large backpack containing: One can of canned beef, three cans of tomato soup, box of crackers, large canteen full of water, two bottles of pain killers, roll of gauze, blanket, needle and thread, personal items, change of clothes [b]Personality:[/b] Ahyoka can be summed up as a very passive and gentle person - for the most part. She does not like to kill, unless she absolutely has to. She is calm and collected 99% of the time and is often quiet in large group discussions or when being provoked. She is usually content to just watch others rather than speak. However, she is not unfriendly in this way. She is kind and tries to befriend each person she comes across. The way she sees it, we are all fighting this together. This mindset has yet to backfire on her but might in the future. She strongly dislikes when others fight and will refuse to take sides. If someone tries to argue with her, she will just remain silent and look at them until they’ve given up. Despite her quiet and calm demeanour, she has great determination. She loves nature and being outside. She is happy to work in a group setting but finds that she can be just as effective on her own. However, she knows she would grow lonely on her own so tends to stick with a group. [b]Bio:[/b] Ahyoka was born on a Cherokee reserve in Georgia to a home of two happy parents and an overachieving older brother. Life on the reserve was good - but quickly grew old and boring. Ahyoka aspired to live in the city and experience a different life. When she was 14, her older brother left the reserve for a life in Florida which devastated their parents. However, Ahyoka felt left behind. She knew it would destroy her parents if she left too but knew that she would be miserable living the rest of her life on the reserve. At age 20, she left the reserve for Atlanta. Her parents told her that if she were to leave, she would not be welcome back. Despite the fact that she still loved her parents, Ahyoka left regardless. Once in the city, Ahyoka quickly learned that living on her own was hard - even harder without any post secondary education. She did not have the money to go to college either. She tried to go for acting jobs, something she had always wanted to do, but it was not a steady income. To make money in between acting jobs, Ahyoka got another job at a clothing store. Her hard efforts and determination promoted her all the way up to assistant manager within a matter of five years. Needless to say, she dropped acting and was focussed solely now on her job and her social life. Living in the city brought a whole new social aspect to Ahyoka’s life. She gained numerous friends and, at the age of 23, had her first boyfriend. A man named Hotah who was also of native decent but was raised in the city. Ahyoka and Hotah dated for three years before getting engaged. Ahyoka married at the age of 26, her brother at her side but her parents nowhere in site. The next few years were pure bliss. The married life was treating Ahyoka well, she got promoted to manager, and was planning to have a baby with her husband. It all sounded too good to be true. That must have been because it was. Two years after marrying, Hotah was in a nearly fatal accident which caused him to lose most of his memory. He did not remember Ahyoka any more than he remembered his own mother. This was painful for Ahyoka but she loved him too much to give up on him. For the next eight months, she tried her hardest to restore things back to the way they were, perhaps get Hotah to remember. However, nothing seemed to work and one day, he confronted her saying; “It isn’t fair to you that you stay married to me when I can’t even remember our wedding. I’m sure I loved you in the past. I just don’t remember it. I think we should get a divorce.” Having to let go of her marriage did something to Ahyoka - but not in the way you’d expect. Instead of locking herself in her apartment and not being able to function, she couldn’t seem to stop working. She constantly had to be doing something to take her mind off of it. She was at work around the clock and when she wasn’t, she was either volunteering or taking part in clubs or attending parties. She picked up archery again and even tried her hand at crafts like knitting and pottery. Things stayed this way for two years. Although she had more or less gotten over her failed marriage by this point, she still committed herself to her work and had not yet gotten into another relationship. She was at work, in her office, when it all happened. She had heard about some disease outbreak in the country but, being the workaholic she was, refused to stay home like many others did. While eating her lunch in the staff room, there was a loud thump against the door to the staff room that sounded continuously. Figuring it was a co worker trying to get in, she approached the door and opened it, only to have a walker reach for her and stumble after her as well as a few others that came in the open door. Horrified, Ahyoka realized what was going on. The walkers fit the description of those who were infected by the disease she had heard about. Taking the fire axe from the break room, Ahyoka had to break out the window in order to escape the walkers and sprinted to her car, speeding straight home. Since then, circumstances have forced her to leave the apartment building and get out of the city. That was how she met the group.