[h1][color=lightpink]Ty'ura[/color][/h1] [i]She'd been getting ready for days, practicing her blade work with dummies she'd created after joining the order. Joining the order was a new step in her life, though she didn't know if she was ready for such intense action. But deep down she felt 'happy' in a way, fulfilling her own dream to regain that energetic and action-filled life. She sighs, turning at an awkward angle to see the hilt of her moms sword, seeing the etchings of her mother made her smile. She felt more in peace, though she felt tense, feeling her muscles tightening as she rides the horse as the group neared the enemy. She was so scared that she couldn't feel things around her, her brain seemed to be focused on her mind and her mind only, canceling out her sense's as she thinks, thoroughly. The feeling of being impaled by a sword or dying by an orcs hand scared her, almost feeling regret for joining The Black Order. Her emotions mix as she rides the horse, hearing the sound of her voice, expressing her feelings through hand movements and face making, many of the members looked towards her, perplexed or simply thinking 'crazy #$@^*'. The air around her tightens, feeling no movement as she scans her vicinity, many of the members shuffle their way off the horse as she does the same thing, feeling pain from the muscles tightening too much in her body, she inhale and exhales attempting to calm down and possibly not pass out by flexing her muscles too hard. 'Difference' was the only adjective she could think of. Seemingly the only woman in the whole group, feeling more diverse and separate as most wore armors and leather clothing while she, she wore a mage looking attire to the battle, she readied many excuses of to why she was wearing such awfully un-protective attire to the battle. But she felt most comfortable and relaxed in her attire and didn't dare to change into something heavier as it would of made her more pressured, though now appearances or opinions didn't matter now. The group neared the enemy as we all came to a stop, the group leader turned and gave us all a stern warning. The leaders voice feels muffled, as her special, so called 'ability' would allow her senses to increase or so she thought. She watches and observe as many unsheathe their swords, long metal blades reveal from their fancy sheaths with multiple etchings, many of them lower their posture, their bodies attempting to stay tense as they walk towards the enemy lines. She did the same thing, her legs criss-cross as she walks, silence filled the air, sunlight began dancing through the trees, sounds of nature began flooding in, her pupils return to their moderate size as she could almost here the beautiful voices of the forest. Embracing the wind that danced through the group, her clothes and hair moving along with the wind as she felt tranquil. Yura was ready, she'd been training for decades and she wouldn't let her talents go to waste, she was ready to slay the the guards of who block our path to a tranquil nature, the [color=lime]orcs[/color].[/i]