Gracelyn snuck up beside Jericho, flicking the dark hood over her head. It wouldn't help protect her or anything, but it just felt comfortable to have it there. Listening to Jericho's snide remarks, Gracelyn turned up the intensity. "Don't worry. When we get in the thick of it in there, i'll make sure to save your ass when you inevitably get it into hot water. That way you can thank me later. And besides, once we get out of this, I got a nice bottle of something to drink as a celebration for this mission. Now let's show these other 'members' how to make an entrance, eh? Noise and fireworks I always say." Gracelyn checked her sickles tp make sure they were ready to go. Her left sickle, instead of judt being a normal blade, was serrated and each edge was sharper than the last one. Swinging both of them in rhythm, she poised herself in front of the door, her heavy boot ready to bring the pain to the inanimate object. "You ready?" Gracelyn asked, giving a quick wink.