[h2][color=ed1c24]Maddox[/color][/h2] The arrival of his guildmates brought a frown to his face. [color=ed1c24][I]I took him away to keep you guys from getting hurt,[/I][/color] Maddox thought to himself as he landed near the edge of the lake. [color=ed1c24][I]Now I have to hold back again. Damnit.[/I][/color] He slowly stood upright, keeping his eyes on James and Damien but not yet jumping in. [color=ed1c24][I]And I was so close. I really wish I had a cigarette right now.[/I][/color] That was when Grane decided he had enough. Maddox felt his magic power being suppressed when the Nullify spell was cast, and he raised an eyebrow. [color=ed1c24][I]Interesting.[/I][/color] When the draconian man created a large explosion of flame at his feet, Maddox only had to jump back a little bit as he wasn't nearly as close as Damien or James was. Once he recovered, he continued watching Damien go at Grane, even without his renowned blades. [color=ed1c24][I]I've already dealt a lot of damage to Grane, but Damien might still not be enough to take him on his own.[/I][/color] He let out a sigh, closing his eyes for a moment. Maddox could feel his heart telling him to help but his mind was telling him to let Damien defeat Grane. [color=ed1c24]"Alright, alright,"[/color] Maddox said out loud, opening his eyes and rolling his shoulders. [color=ed1c24]"I'll lend a hand."[/color] While he was talking to no one in particular, he still essentially announced his intention to keep fighting. He dashed forward, displaying astonishing speed even without his magic, passing by Damien to reach Grane's flank. [color=ed1c24]"By the way, Damien,"[/color] he spoke, curling in and bringing a hard kick to Grane's left kneecap. [color=ed1c24]"I didn't need a breather."[/color] [h2][color=92278f]Beatrix[/color][/h2] Some foliage brushed aside, allowing Beatrix to peer into a clearing. There was a large, winged creature sleeping in the middle. She had never seen anything like it before. But rather than be impressed by the unfamiliar Legion, another thought came to her mind. [color=92278f]"I'm going to make this thing mine,"[/color] she said aloud, jumping out of the bushes. The noise she made caused the Legion to stir and it quickly noticed her approaching. As it stood onto all fours, Beatrix approached with a wide grin, already rubbing her hands together as if she won.