Daniel was woken up by the ringing alarm clocks. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep, but the clocks seemed to sense that and rang even louder. "Aarrrgh," Daniel groaned as he fumbled around for the clock, then picked it up and smashed it against the table a few times, breaking the clock and, more importantly, making it stop ringing. Daniel took a deep breath and looked at the broken clock to see what time it is. The hands were a little off, but even in his tired state he could tell that it was about 7 am. "Oh my god it's so early!" Daniel complained, not used to waking up at such a time. "Ugh, dammit." Daniel then got out of bed and put on his pants (he doesn't sleep with pants on). "Mornin', everybody," he said to his teammates as he shuffled his way into the bathroom and did his business in there, then came out feeling a little more awake now. [h2][/h2] If Daniel wasn't awake before, he was definitely awake now. Combat class, now that was some interesting stuff there. Best of all, everyone was gonna have sparring matches. It was time to show off his skills to the others, let them see what he could do. He cracked his knuckles and looked around as his name and someone else's was called. Kuhaku Shiro... hopefully he was a decent fighter.