When the alarms went off, Robert didn't immediately wake up. In fact, he kept sleeping for another fifteen minutes before he literally fell out of bed and landed on the floor. He did not want to get up. Not only was he still somewhat sore from yesterday's test, but he had had a great difficulty falling asleep the night before. Usually when he went to sleep, Robert would have something to read to help him feel tired, most often an "unofficially borrowed" library book. Last night though, he had nothing and spent much of the night staring at the ceiling. Also, the bed felt, and Robert found this a very strange complaint, too comfortable. He was just so used to the cold, hard ground that a mattress and sheets just felt wrong now. Still, Robert and the rest of his team needed to get to class. So he stood up and said unenthusiasticly, "Come on team. We gotta get ready." It suddenly dawned on him though that he had absolutely nothing. No change of clothes, no toiletries, nothing. Just then Robert's foot knocked into a small cardboard box that sat at the foot of his bed. He looked down and picked it up, after noticing it was addressed to him. He opened it to find a t-shirt, a pair of jeans, a pair of socks, a pair of men's briefs, a toothbrush, toothpaste, and a stick of deodorant. There was also a note that read, "Your welcome. Come visit me sometime. Tell me about Beacon. - T" It wasn't hard for Robert to figure out who sent the package. He said thank you to the note, picked up his new stuff, quickly got into the bathroom, and completed what most people would call a "normal morning routine." He walked out of the bathroom feeling cleaner than he had in years. He was still wearing his tattered hoodie though, since there wasn't a replacement for that in the box. "Alright team," Robert said with renewed enthusiasm, "Let's get to class." Almost on cue, the smashed alarm clock rang again to announce the new time. As the students piled into the classroom, it occurred to Robert that they should probably have been wearing the school uniforms. He hoped that the fact that a majority of students had made the same mistake that the teacher would be forgiving. And it seemed that was the case because Ms. Goodwitch made no comment about it. Robert listened to Ms. Goodwitch, interested about the curriculum of the class. Then she mentioned that students would fight each other, and Robert immediately grew a little nervous. He knew that, knowing his luck, that he would probably go up against one of the toughest students in the class. Goodwitch's assistant than began reading off the names of students and their opponents. “Abel Fulgurate vs. Robert Fallson!” she announced. "Abel? Who's Abel?" Robert thought. He then scanned the room looking for his opponent. "Ozpin had said everyone's names during the ceremony, so I just have t..." then he spotted Abel. "Him? I have to fight him? Dang it. Of course it had to be him." Robert remembered that Abel's team had been the one to arrive second at the airships, as well as how rude Abel had been for the few seconds they got to speak to each other. Abel's massive size wasn't lost on Robert, either. "Man, this is going to suck," Robert said.