Marcus smiled when the man mentioned that he wouldn't have to pay for the rabbit and that he would just have to repay him by keeping him company. That was way more do able than giving the dark haired man some of the few remaining coins that he kept in a small pouch hanging from his hip. He got up from his spot on the branch and had some of his wire wrap around the branch so that he could lower himself easily to the ground instead of risking jumping the ten feet and injuring himself which he knew would happen. He lowered himself in the shaded part of the tree and to the guy watching him it could have appeared that he had just floated down since it would be hard to see the wires without light catching the metal. When he reached the ground, he activated the wheel on the his raised right hand which reeled in the wire from the branch and gave a small click as the end of the wire disappeared into his fingertips. As he lowered his arm and made his way toward the fire where the man was sitting he looked around and noticed that the man had some nice pelts with him which Marcus did not want to ruin. When he reached the fire he sat down cross legged on the ground opposite of the man and accepted the rabbit that was offered to him. "Don't worry about a plate. I can't remember the last time I have actually used a plate." Marcus pulled his traveling pack from under his cloak and set it on the ground next to him before he started to pull the rabbit meat apart with his clawed gloves. "My name by the way is Marcus Frost and I am a adventurer always looking for a nice warm climate. What would your name be?" As he asked this question a wolf howled as it seemed to call out to find its pack and was answered with a few more howls which sounded closer than Marcus would have liked. "It might not have been the best idea to set up camp in the forest right now. It sounds like wolves are prowling the area."