Suddenly, a large voice boomed throughout the field. "Louise Sophoro has arrived!" At once, the people in the air cleared away, as if on cue. Once the air was completely empty, something began happening: A single dark stone block appeared in the air, quickly followed by another, and then another and then another. Soon the whole sky was filled with thousand of these dark stones. They began reassembling themselves, piling on top of each other, forming towers, walls, buttresses, parapets, crenelations and walkways. When they finished, a large obsidian castle loomed over the grounds, casting a dark shadow over it. A strange cold eminated from the great structure, that ignored clothes or coverings and struck you right through the bones and gripped your soul. There, at the very center tower, was a very sleepy looking Louise. She dressed, of course, in spaghetti strapped pajama's and short shorts - not that she seemed to care. Louise was flanked by two guards. One of them was responsible for the creation of the castle. "Oh man, Sky Castle Oblivion always gives me the chills when I see it," commented a random student. He was looking up at the grand structure with a mixture of awe and fear; he was not the only one. "Yeah? Well if Consul Louise's little show was the standard, we'll be seeing Queen Henrietta's and King Winston's own castles as well." The titles 'King' and 'Queen' where not said sarcastically, not when it came to the Rulers, and especially not after seeing their Castles. Of course, they were not castles in the strict sense of the word, as newcomers would soon see. Soon enough, another voice was heard, it just as loud but more feminine. "Winston Chill has arrived!" It appeared from out of the football field next to them. It rose up, absurdly large for what it was; an aircraft carrier, complete with jets and dragons and with a flag hoisted on the command deck. There were rows of turrets and cannons aligned on the side, however they were unmanned. It made for an intimidating sight, but did not quite have the same effect on everyone that the Castle Oblivion had, but then again, it did not need to. Winston Chill himself was at the forefront; he was a slim brown haired young man with noble features, and wore jogging pants and a sweater. Even from a distance, there was something definitely charismatic about the boy. He was the center of attention, not his 'Castle' and everyone seemed to recognize that. His whole group was lined up behind him waving down on the people below. "Haha! I've always wondered where he picked that out from, the 'HMS Mars'. Seriously, he keeps the name of his 'Castle-Maker' a secret so we have no idea who made the thing and how." "Ah, well it's just one of his things; 'there's a certain power in secrecy' was what he said." The random student's sighed. Then they looked up with an expectant grin. "Now . . . it's about time for Queen Henrietta to show up, eh?" "Oh boy, time to duck." Right at that moment, unannounced, a dragon appeared. No, to call it a dragon was like calling Louise's Castle a brick house, or Winston's aircraft carrier a boat. This was no dragon; this was a giant behemoth in the shape of a dragon! Golden scales, large molten gold eyes and large silver teeth; a body so large it overshadowed all that came before it, and a wingspan that nearly covered the whole school. It flew above Louise's and Wintson's own Castles because there was no room for it. On it's back was an acropolis that looked Greek in design, with a replica of the Athena's Parthenon at it's very center. It exuded and aura of power that made it seem brighter than normal. "And there it is, the Magna Divina. I've heard it means Great Divine in Latin. A lot of people prefer to call it Smaug." "Are you kidding? That thing's way bigger than Smaug is!" Henrietta, of course, was somewhere she could be seen: On the head of the great dragon, in thin white silky pajama's that stretched to her feet and a dark red jacket over it. Despite looking like she just woke up, she was still as beautiful as ever, with her long golden hair flying in the wind and her blue eyes staring down on everyone. With or without preparation, she would still be the most attractive person in the school. "Henrietta Fawkes has arrived!" Everyone looked up at these three in awe, especially the newcomers. There was something about these structures and the people they carried that felt so [i]powerful[/i]. One of the newcomers bumped into Timothy. "Oh, sorry about that . . . but wow! Those things are just . . . man I wonder, if I become a Ruler, will I be able to get a castle like that? Maybe I should issue a challenge . . ." With the gathering of these three, the meet was about to begin.