When his alarm went off, Oswald had already been up for nearly an hour. Already dressed, showered and ready, he grabbed his scroll and deactivated the alarm. He was armed and armored, and figured that now would be the best time to get some breakfast. Leaving the room, he made his way to the cafeteria, arriving shortly after it was opened to the students. He grabbed a plate of waffles with some bacon and made his way to a table. If his teammates came along, they could sit with him if they felt like it. He was sure Marcus would: he could tell their team leader was serious about his position, and unit cohesion was a major factor in life-or-death scenarios. The others he wasn't so sure about. He could imagine Diamond eating all of her meals alone with her smokes, while Aurellius would probably just do what he felt like that day. He hoped they'd at least be willing to work together and get to know each other on a decent level, at least. When eight came around, Oswald read the message sent to his scroll and dutifully made his way to the classroom. First class was combat: it seemed fitting enough. They were here to learn how to become proper Huntsman and Huntresses, after all. Testing their abilities only made sense. He wasn't perfectly comfortable fighting with one useful arm, though. At least he had his sword, though: there was no way he could fight seriously with only his shield. As he listened to the rosters, he made note of who each member of his team was fighting. He had to go against Sapphire Rode, Marcus was up against a Geni Hung, Diamond was fighting Mokuren Sabella, and Aurellius was put against Jack Orpheus. This was it.