Naomi stared up at the sky above her. The clear blue sky calmed her on early mornings like today. Surrounded by nature, she closed her eyes for a brief moment and exhaled in content. Nothing ever really went wrong here. Although she wasn’t totally naive to battle, because even here, in their world they had their fair share of those who came forward with intents to kill and take more lands for their own greed. Something whispered in her ear. Something that intrigued her curiosity. She stood, and gave a stretch, having been lying in the grass for some few hours now. Glancing around, she tried to pinpoint the location of the little voice, and raised her eyebrows questioningly. [b] “I know I heard something. I could have sworn it said something about a portal..” [/b] This wasn’t out of the ordinary in the slightest. Suddenly the whisper was back again, and a small nudge moved her a considerable distance from where she had been standing. Blinking in surprise, she continued to move forward, and after a time, felt a pull towards a river of sorts. She looked into it, and surprisingly enough she couldn’t see her reflection. She grabbed a nearby rock and tossed it into the water, which unsurprisingly sunk. It seemed like normal water, but there was definitely something off about it. She contemplated her actions, and decided it was time for a little excitement in her life. [b] “I’m sure there’s got to be something absolutely wonderful on the other side of this. Time to find out!” [/b] And she simply walked into the water, disappearing as if she never was there. But when she emerged in this other realm, a world unknown to her, or really anyone else for that matter. That was alive, anyway. A chill went around her, and she found that even though her clothes were completely dry, she shivered. The intense air around her was gripping, and she rubbed her semi-gloved hands over her tanned exposed arms. Where was she anyway? She heard strange noises. [i] Pow. Pow. Pow. [/i] It had to be the strangest noise she had ever heard. She pressed forward, making her way through some buildings, looking for anyone to ask what town this was, or even where she had ended up to. Certainly portals don’t just lead to nowhere. Every portal has a destination, and every destination has a name. But there were no signs of anyone, no plants, no moss, nothing. Not even an animal left behind. Nothing except the strange noises she had heard. But now they were gone, and it was no way to find out where they had come from. Noises seemed to bounce off everything. It was mildly concerning that she couldn’t pinpoint or see what or who had made the noise. But at the time, that gave her mixed emotions. That could mean that someone was here! But their intent towards others was still unclear. Maybe she should just get somewhere high up and try to find them? If she could find them first, maybe she could make an understanding about working together. She moved to climb onto a ladder, when it broke. [b] “Ah!” [/b] It had seen better days, and the loud clattering noise the rusted metal made was not pleasant. Glancing around, she bit her bottom lip slightly. The silence was deafening. And she wasn’t anywhere closer to figuring out a plan to find where the noise had come from than just walking around until she bumped into someone, and she didn’t like the sound of that quite frankly.