[h1]Edolas[/h1] [b]"Jarvis, is that you? What are you doing out here with this woman?"[/b] A somewhat busty girl, dressed with a moderately tight dark T-shirt and a tan jacket with fur on the inside, said from not far away. Standing at around five and three-quarters feet, her form was fairly curvy, and she had a sheathed katana resting near the back of her hip, carefully strapped on so as to serve as her belt as well. She brushed some dark brown hair out of her face, revealing her green eyes and pale face. Over her breast on the jacket was a painted symbol of a guild, but it's faded to the point it was impossible to tell what the symbol used to be. She approached Jarvis and Amelia, smiling a bit, before giving Jarvis a strong hug and turning to Amelia. [b]"Good to see you all the same Jarvis. And you are...?"[/b] She turned to Amelia with a smile. [h1]Earthland[/h1] Mayt looked up from his book, and smirked a bit. [b]"I'm certain Melina would be more than happy to handle anyone who would cause any trouble for us, and she doesn't seem to want to harm us. But sure, I'll stay here and watch out if you'd like."[/b]