The moment the doctor removed his hands from Lily's head, everything became black again. With neither personality in full control over her body, she unceremoniously crumpled to the ground. Slowly, Lily opened her eyes again. ...Wait, where was she? This wasn't her room! This looked nothing like her room! It was some kind of black, feautureless void. And standing in front of her was... she herself in her costume? What? [i]Who are you![/i] she cried out. [I]Where am i? And where are my parents?! [/i] [i]I...[/i] the sprite muttered, utterly confused. What was this place? This was even worse than the city; at least the city existed. This... space was nothing. Literally, nothing at all. [i]My name's Popoi.[/i] [i]Liar! Popoi doesn't exist! She's just a character from a game who I dressed up as![/i] the girl shouted, confusing the sprite even more. First of all, the girl standing in front of her looked nothing like her. Second, since when was she 'a character from a game'? ...Wait. Was she under the influence of a spell? If so, then it was most likely cast by that man. So he wasn't to be trusted after all... On the other hand, why use such a bizarre illusion spell if you can do anything you want? Why add the girl to the black void at all? It was about this point that Lily broke down and started crying. [i]I want my mommy...,[/i] she blubbered through her tears. Immediately after Lily had collapsed to the ground, Jonathan quickly rushing to her side. "You!," he called out to the Doctor as he shook his daugher. "What did you do to her?!" He then spoke to his daugher, in a pleading voice. "Please, Lily, wake up. Wake up, dear, please..." --- "I... see," Simon answered. "Well, yeah, that place is confusing as all hell, I'll grant you that. In fact, apparently when we just came back up from there, another group was heading down there at the same time. We should have ran straight in to them, yet somehow we never even saw them." He shrugged, then continued. "And to be honest, I don't really know what's going on either. I mean, the physical part of us changing is blatantly obvious, but how and why, I have no idea. It's the whole reason we're here; to find out more about what the heck's going on. I still don't have a clue, but mayb- HEY!" Turning around as he was speaking, Simon was shocked by what he saw. A young girl was lying on the ground, obviously in cosplay; another man was shaking her body, apparently trying to wake her up. Daniel, meanwhile, was holding his head with both hands and obviously in pain. "What happened!," he shouted as he ran over to the small group.