[center][b]Penny[/b][/center] Penny laughed, watching Karn as he tried to imitate Maddox, [color=f7976a]"It's an acquired taste, Karn."[/color] She said with amusement, nudging a child back who had tried to sneak past her, having probably heard rumors of the battles inside, and wanting to get a look as only children did. Or rather the male gender, as she shoved a Man back as well, who thought to simply over power her and get passed. [color=f7976a]"Buddy, I'm phoenix Wing, you know what that means? I'm tougher then I look"[/color] She said, her voice annoyed. [color=f7976a]"And I've been battered and pawed and attacked enough today, thanks. So stay back!"[/color] Deliberately, she let flames dance into her hands, and then fizzle away. It served it's purpose. No one else tried to get passed her. She returned her gaze back to Karn, and said [color=f7976a]"Maybe you can ask Master Jamie for some pointers. She's good at shifting and maintaining a character. You'll do better mimicking people if you...weren't so cute"[/color] She said, with a smile. [center][b]Master Jamie[/b][/center] Master Jamie nodded, and began to search the building for any stragglers, or anyone injured that couldn't get out. Finally though, Jamie returned to the main section of the library, [color=f26522]Everyone is out who should be out. I will see if Phones has awoken, or if Penny and Karn need help"[/color] She started outside [center][b]Jarvis, location, Edolas[/b][/center] [url=http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/224/5/1/anime_man_by_cresk95-d46c7oc.png]Jarvis[/url] glanced around at the voice, seeing the woman that had spoken. It was evident that she knew who he was, and therefore, was apart of Edolas, and he would guess, Edolas's Phoenix Wing, but he didn't know who she was...His thoughts trailed off as he frowned, studying the woman as she came towards him, and hugged him. It was instinct to hug back. The Katana and the green eyes connected it for him. Mayt, as a girl? He cleared his throat, but was unsure what to do here. He rubbed the back of his neck, and said [color=aba000]"I'm sorry, Ma'am, but I don't know who you are. I can take an educated guess. But we aren't from here. We are from Earthland. Your Jarvis is probably...somewhere"[/color] he realised how crazy that would sound, given that he didn't even know if these people knew of Earthland or not. But he couldn't pretend to be Edola Jarvis, when he didn't even know what was going on here.