[center][b][i][u][color=ed1c24]SERIOUS ANNOUNCEMENT[/color][/u][/i][/b][/center] So we have decided to edit the rules from our previous serious announcement in response to the discussion and feedback we received from players. Synth and I thank you all for your feedback as it is valued greatly. Crossed out rules are not being implemented at the moment but, if these do not suffice, be utilized at the very least, in an experimental manner to test whether or not they effectively amend the issues that may or may not arise in the future. Now without further ado, the edits: [list] [*] There will be a 14 day(2 week) time limit on collabs based in the present time IC and singleplayer posts, also based in present time IC. Which resets every time a post is produced in the IC, which also applies to collab contributors, whether they play NPCs or PCs. [*] Players must warn the GMs, as well as fellow collaborators, if they will be unable to contribute to both collabs and singleplayer posts for more than the allocated time limit for whatever reason, in order to prevent hanging up other players so that they may continue. Doing so will make the collab or singleplayer post a viable canon flashback, that can be posted when the player returns, or at a later date should the player or players wish to do so. [b][color=ed1c24]PLEASE DO THIS IN ANY WAY YOU CAN IF YOU HAVE NO ACCESS TO A PC, OTHERWISE THE RULE BELOW WILL APPLY.[/color][/b] [*] Players who do not warn us, or have a post ready before the 14 day time limit is expired, will have a 3 day grace period (3 extra days) to post their collab, or singleplayer post. [s]If no post is produced in the IC within that time, they will recieve an [b][color=ed1c24]Infraction[/color][/b].[/s] [*] [s]A player may receive a maximum of 3 Infractions. After 2 Infraction, the offending player will lose the right to a 3 day grace period. On the 3rd Infraction, the player is [b][color=ed1c24]kicked[/color][/b]. [i][b][u]Holding up other players from posting will not be tolerated[/u][/b][/i].[/s] [*] [s]If a collab is being held up by the offending player (who obtained an infraction or has been kicked for 3 infractions), the GMs will ask if the collaborators are willing to take over the offending/kicked player's character, if not, the GMs will.[/s] [*] Every Player has the right to one representative to vouch for them should something occur to them and they themselves cannot get to a computer, but can notify someone else. [*] Please send the GMs the links to the collabs that are taking place in present time. This will help the GMs keep track of the progress of the collabs, as well as who is taking part, and who is slowing everyone else down. [b][i]Future based collabs, flashbacks and singleplayer posts may be kept private from the GMs.[/i][/b] [*] The GMs are [b][i]NOT[/i][/b] under exception of these rules. They must follow said rules to the letter, failure to do so will result in the removal of their position. [/list]