As the morning sun failed to penetrate the hat covering her face, Diamond was blissfully asleep until that terrible screech of the alarm clock forced her back into the harsh reality. A shadow hammer took shape in the woman's hand, stopping just short of smashing the scroll into bits. Right. this time she wouldn't be able to steal a new one for herself an hour later. Sighing, she pushed the hat out of her face and felt around for the offending device. Finding the devilish accessory, she blinked a few times until her eyes could make out the letters. Finding the off button, she tossed the thing someplace near her feet. As she stretched under the blanket, a few of her joints made sickening pops and she felt her upper arms were sore from yesterday's trial. Yawning, she finally sat up. "G'Morning." she said, looking around to find one bed already empty. And here she thought she would be the one to have problem bonding. Oswald couldn't even wait for the rest of them. Oh well... She found the scroll again, intending to check what was on her schedule as she heard certain classes allowed for their regular gear to be used. Combat - speak of the devil! She was glad that she would dodge the god awful, wallpaper looking uniform for at least one period. And they could [i]try[/i] to make her part with the hat. Diamond hopped off the bed and went to change and do something with her hair before waiting for the two boys to finish their morning rituals. Not really having anything better to do, she decided to stick around and see what would happen.