Reginaldus also woke with a start from the psychic shout. He was breathing heavily and for a moment fear flitted over his eyes. Never, for over two hundred years, had he been caught inside someone else's mind. And never had he ever encountered such a mind possessed, consensually inhabited, even, by such spirits. And why had he never noticed this girl before? All this worried him deeply, so he got up to pace for a few moments to calm his nerves. His position as most powerful being in the land was challenged by this girl's presence, and as such he felt threatened. However, he soon calmed down. Even if this girl and her resident spirits rivaled him in direct magical power, he still held a great advantage, for he had the kingdom of Cyprus under his command while this girl was lost in an unfamiliar land. Plus, he knew more about her than she knew about him, although that was still insufficient to determine what she would do next. For all he knew, this girl might inhabit the land quietly without raising a challenge, although that was uncertain. Plus, this girl seems to need to sleep, which again puts him at the upper hand, for Reginaldus was confident in his dominance over all who slept under his watch. Feeling in control once more, Reginaldus exited his bedroom to get breakfast before attending to the business of the day. He would have to keep an eye on that girl, but at the same time he would have to do so carefully to avoid provoking her and her spirits further.