[b]Amythest Malachite, MISTRESS OF THAT HEARTLESS MAGIC THE WORLD CALLS BLACK - Starter Town, Beginnings Boulevard[/b] Bravo? Clapping?! "It's not some kind of [i]performance[/i]!" Amythest snapped, smoothly snatching the candied apple away from the elf. Her eyes narrowed as she held it back. Well, okay, it... kind of was... but everyone had to believe she absolutely was the mistress of all evil! So she didn't actually... do anything evil... She [i]could[/i], and that was the point! She was totally dangerous and evil and everything! So she would most certainly tell all of these 'foolish mortals' just how dangerous she was while enjoying this tasty and delicious caramel apple. Taking a bite out of it and finding it just as wonderful as it looked, she quickly stepped back to once again announce just how evil she was, now that people were paying attention. And just as she opened her mouth... Some green-haired girl declared that she loved amateur theater. While clapping. Amythest would have irritably folded her arms if not for the threat of losing the caramel apple. Or worse, getting it stuck to her clothing. That would just plain suck. "I just said it's not a performance! I truly am the dark mistress of evil!" ... So she had helped those children get their ball back one time... and saved that kitten... she also stole that pie! That was pretty evil, right? Totally. "If you continue to treat me so lightly, I shall introduce you to the true meaning of pain!" She declared triumphantly.