[h2][center][b]~Shadewoode~[/b][/center][/h2] [h3][center][b]~Plot~[/b][/center][/h3] No one has ever entered Shadewoode and returned alive, except for one man: Gaven Mar. Forever disturbed by his experiences within the forest, Gaven refuses to speak of what happened. But sometimes your past has a way of catching up to you. Urged by his king, the scholar must once more enter the forest and discover the source of its corruption. But this time Gaven will be accompanied by a team of others: you. Whether you volunteered, were forced to come, or were hired to come, you and the rest of the team - along with Gaven - must traverse the mysterious forest and find its source of corruption... although some of you may have your own agendas of reasons for being here. [h3][center][b]~Setting~[/b][/center][/h3] Shadewoode, from a distance, [i]looks [/i]evil. The foliage is darker than what it should be, the trees are gnarled and ancient, the thick canopy overhead blocks the sunlight up above, rainclouds loom over it at all times, and it rains most every night. Strange beasts are rumored to live within, but whether or not they're true is unknown. The terrain can be very hilly, with a lot of streams, creeks, and rivers. There's an unnatural, dark magic that hangs over everything within. The deeper you go, the more dangerous it becomes. Shadewoode is ripe with rumors, legends, tales, and myths - many stories have been made up about its true nature, though none have been proven. People who venture to close experience alterations in behavior; those who venture within never return; you may feel beckoned by it if you stare for to long. It is evil and unnatural, and so far unexplainable. [h3][center][b]~Characters~[/b][/center][/h3] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Age/Race/Gender:[/b] I will allow Humans, Elves, Halflings, Dwarves, combinations, and variations without question. Custom races should be run by me first, but I'm pretty lenient. Nothing to outlandish though (no giants, no centaurs, no fauns...) [b]Occupation:[/b] What do you do? Are you a warrior? A bard? An archer? A ranger? Perhaps you're an assassin, a paladin, a mage, a scholar, etc. [b]Armor/Clothing:[/b] [b]Weapons:[/b] [b]Other Items:[/b] [b]Skills:[/b] Any physical or learned skills you may have. Expert swordsman, stealthy, agile, survivalist, tactician, etc. Just something to give me a good idea of what you're character is good at. [b]Abilities:[/b] If your character knows magical abilities, this is the place for it. Elves are generally better at magic than others, while humans are next-best but it [i]does [/i] take time. In this day and age, however, magic is rather scarce since most magic-users live alone (other than the Elves), and you won't really find any colleges or academies to train you. Most fear magic and forbid it. [b]Why did you come to Shadewoode?:[/b] Was you forced to come here? Did you get hired? Are you here for another reason? Did someone you know go missing near the woods? Do you seek to uncover the mystery of the forest? [b]Background:[/b] [i](If you put a ']' before you start typing it will make the text bold!)[/i] [b]Name:[/b [b]Age/Race/Gender:[/b [b]Occupation:[/b [b]Armor/Clothing:[/b [b]Weapons:[/b [b]Other Items:[/b [b]Skills:[/b [b]Abilities:[/b [b]Why did you come to Shadewoode?:[/b [b]Background:[/b