The Alarm went off and Priscilla immediately woke up. [b]'RING RING RING'[/b] the alarm continued to ring, she stood up seeing the others sleeping but Robert got up. Priscilla quickly ran to the bathroom and stayed there for about an hour, she was taking a shower, doing her hair, girl stuff nothing weird. Priscilla got out of the bathroom, and grabbed her clothes going back to the bathroom and getting dressed there. Being the only girl she had to actually hide herself somewhere to put on her clothes because she was not going to do that in front of boys! A few minutes later, she finished walked to the mirror grabbing her lipstick putting it on and brushing her hair. [color=pink]"Done!"[/color] and with that Priscilla was the third one to leave her teams room. First Daniel, Robert and then Priscilla. [color=pink]"Wake up, Grey! I will see you in class.[/color] she told Greyson and walked to the classroom where the others were. She stood there, now listening to her name and some other girl's name... [b]“Rayna Bryson vs. Priscilla Montgomery!”[/b] What? A fight between some girl that she doesn't know? This will be interesting. Priscilla got a little nervous because she haven't actually fought an actual person before, so this was going to be a little intense. But she never backed down on a fight, so she will give it her best!