Sotaru blinked. "Barbeque?" he repeated. His stomach started to rumble. He looked at Jolokia, listening, until he heard a speech coming from someone nearby. He looked over and saw a pink haired girl. "This place sure is interesting," he said aloud. "They really go all out with the entertainment." Sotaru noticed someone else nearby as well, possibly an elf. He was going to say something else, when soon a voice could be heard from a large stage in the plaza. One of the festival's hosts was at the front of the stage, and many of the event's organizers were on stage behind him. The host was a large, round man with a stylized moustache and red cheeks. "Hello good townsfolk! I want to welcome you all to the Annual Starter Town Festival!" The crowds turned their attention to the stage and many people began to cheer. The man on stage continued. "As you all know, this is a three day long festival. To get things started, all of our main stores will have 20% discount sales for the next two hours!" The crowd cheered in response and some women screamed in excitement. "Also, soon we will begin our swordplay competition. Sign-ups are right over here. And with that, let the celebration begin!" Music began to play and the crowd seemed filled with excitement as everyone went to various parts of the town. There was a short line in front of the stage, where people were signing up for the swordplay competition. The competition seemed interesting to Sotaru and he would probably watch. But first he needed to get some food. He looked to the green haired girl again. "Hm? How to get more money?" he looked around. "Maybe the sword competition has prize money... But what are the chances any of us could win that." He then pointed to the male elf and the pink haired girl. "Maybe they can help us." Walking towards them, Sotaru noted the caramel apple the girl had. Some drool appeared from his lips as he stared at it.