"Разве это не дерьмо снова...." the blond girl mumbled under her breath as she walked the empty halls of the school. The foreign girl had arrived in the United Kingdom only days ago to attend this prestigious school to master the strange magical artifact of her family. The poor girl, however, was lost in the vast halls of the building. Class was most likely in session, as there was not a soul in sight. Sighing, she squinted at the pamphlet she had received. While she spoke English fine, she still had issues translating the written form to her first language, Russian. "Где, черт возьми, что-нибудь в этой школе !?" she thought to herself angrily. After another ten minutes of wandering, she peaked into a room. It was strange, golden light radiating through the room with cots and benches, like a magical nurse room. She saw a young man, seemingly fascinated by the source of the light. "E-Excuse me?" she asked hesitantly with a thick accent. "C-Can you help me?"