[h2][color=421A8C]Sapphire Rode[/color] - Dorm[/h2] Sapphire slept fitfully that night, the rain pounding on the windows making its way into her dreams. This was not an uncommon occurrence with Sapphire, she rarely got a truly good rest with a clean mind clear of all imaginings. Usually she was plagued with nightmares. [i][color=0054a6]"Cecily, take Demetra, go hide in Mom's study."[/color] A much younger Sapphire said handing there baby sister over to Cecily. [color=DarkViolet]"Saph, you don't have to do this. We can stay out of sight till he sobers up."[/color] Cecily said looking worried. [color=0054a6]"He'll take it out on me during tomorrow's training if he doesn't find us. And if he does...[/color] For a moment Sapphire looked distant, like she was considering her options. [color=0054a6]"Better I take it now than we all get it later."[/color] Sapphire said somberly. [color=Indigo]"SAPPHIRE!"[/color] Sapphire glanced at the upper floors nervously. [color=0054a6]"He'll cool down eventually."[/color] She shrugged and attempted a smile. [color=0054a6]"Who knows, maybe he'll buy me something pretty this time.[/color] The smile didn't quite meet Sapphire's eyes and both the sisters knew it. [color=DarkViolet]"I'm sorry."[/color] There was real pain in Cecily's eyes, pain that she couldn't take this responsibility away from Sapphire but both of them knew she wasn't strong enough. She didn't have Sapphire's spirit. [color=0054a6]"So am I."[/color] Sapphire whispered before she turned from her sisters and darted up the stairs. As she got closer to the door to her father's study she moved slower and slower. When she arrived at the door she tentatively raised a hand to knock.[/i] Sapphire sat bolt upright in bed, for a moment she didn't know where she was and on gut tossed the covers aside and pushed her back against the wall to cover her blind spot. In another moment she came back to her senses, she was at Beacon Academy, she had passed the initiation test, today was the first day of classes. Sapphire hopped out of bed, being careful not to put too much weight on her twisted ankle. She was glad the rest of the team was still asleep. She didn't really care to explain her violent awakening to anyone. It was early, about six in the morning. Sapphire had a habit of waking early even if she desperately wished to sleep in. She decided that she should take a shower before classes. She walked into the bathroom and stripped off her gear which she had slept in. She turned the water to a hot setting that was just above comfortable, and proceeded to wash. When she was finished Sapphire used a comb to brush her hair into an orderly manner before brushing a curtain of it over her right eye. She could see well enough threw it but she liked the way it looked. Sapphire wrapped herself in a towel and left the bathroom, dragging her cloths with her. She had nearly identical replacements to all of them in her bag aside of course from her jacket and her bandanna. She was about half-way through changing when Gren walked in. She jumped back to conceal herself and was about to say something about entering unannounced except she realized first that Gren was holding a towering plate of pancakes and his eyes moved over the space she occupied as though she was not there. Gren set the pancakes down on a table in the room and went to the bathroom, moments later she heard the sound of water filling a tub. She'd neglected to disable her semblance last night, it must have been active this entire time and unless she cried out in her sleep none of her teammates would have been aware that she'd even slept in the room that night. No wonder she'd slept so fitfully. Her sleep was always disturbed when her semblance was on. Sapphire finished dressing herself only putting on one of her combat boots, her ankle was still complaining and unless it became necessary there was no reason for her to aggravate it further. She took one of the plates and loaded it down with pancakes. She preferred syrup for things like waffles and french toast so rather than pour the sticky substance on her breakfast she instead slathered them with butter and ate them by hand like one would toast. They were delicious, though given that Gren had baked that cake last night she should have expected nothing less. After she finished her breakfast Sapphire washed her hands of butter and continued to read the book she had picked out last night. It was a fairly juvenile tale about an impoverished slave's flight from his master to a land without slavery. Somewhere in the middle he was discovered to be a lost prince from another land, predictably it ended happily ever after. The story itself was cliche with a fairy tale like quality but Sapphire surprisingly enough enjoyed it immensely, it was a tale of hope, something the azure haired girl had never had a lot of. At 7 O'Clock the alarms rang waking everyone for breakfast. Sapphire having already eaten continued to read. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Shiro rise and eat. He stopped right before eating and sniffed the air. She smiled while her scent was no doubt lingering in the air her semblance would prevent it from being strong enough for him to identify her position or even that there was another entity in the room. So long as she stay inconspicuous and did nothing to draw attention. Shiro finished his breakfast and left the room, soon after Abel sleepily got up, he also had a shower, ate and exited the room. Sapphire continued to read until a notice came in on her scroll reporting that her first class of the day was Combat Training and it was mandatory for all first years. Sapphire smiled, if she was lucky this Glynda Goodwitch could teach her a thing or too. Sapphire deactivated her semblance, it was best she not reveal it to everyone and there weren't really any advantages to walking into class unnoticed. When Sapphire got there she took a seat right at the back so she could view everyone else. She counted a little less than twenty five students. These must be all the first year Beacon students. They would be the ones fighting alongside Sapphire for the rest of her time at Beacon. Though in this case she thought as she listened to Mrs. Goodwitch's speech, they would be fighting against her. Her opponent was Oswald Connolly. Sapphire cursed herself for not paying attention when Ozpin did role call before the Forest Exam. She wouldn't know her opponent till they had taken there places in the stadium. Knowing she was to perform in the first round Sapphire pulled on and tied her other combat boot. It put pressure on her foot in places that were not comfortable but she could bear. She jumped down into the stadium after the teacher and her aid. The fall put far more shock force pressure on her ankle than Sapphire was expecting. It began to throb painfully but Sapphire had had worse, the ankle she could deal with, her rib on the other hand might prove to be a problem when she had to engage this Oswald in combat.