[quote=Nightwing] If you don't mind, I'd like to join. This sounds interesting, especially if the rp will be not only immersive, but challenging. [/quote] Of course you can join. [quote=Revans Exile] Will this be more like Walking Dead or Resident Evil, Left 4 Dead, Dead Island, etc? [/quote] Alright I've never seen/played Walking Dead, it's not going to be as dark as Resident Evil 4, I've never played Left 4 Dead either, and I've never played Dead Island. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful there. =T The closest thing I can approximate it to is probably a mix of Organ Trail, and imagine a more serious version of the movie Zombieland, within a Resident Evil Extinction-like world. Don't get me wrong when I say it won't be as dark as Resident Evil 4 though, this world is out to kill us. It's just not going to have a million cultists hunting us down with the zombies. Not that there won't be others out there hunting us down though...