Heather, having a sudden urge to go neat freak, begins to gather up the empty mugs and platters scattered with crumbs. Unsure what to do with them, she places them together in a neat stack on the counter for Vee to find later. She was pondering the idea about costumes and so far did not like it. What Heather never understood was why comic book heroes wore such eye sore costumes. Isn’t the point of fighting crime under a alias is to not be noticed? Heather had a couple ideas for a disguise that did not involve spandex. Heather moved a few chairs back into their original place, satisfied with her work and turns her attention to Emily. “Sure, I’m game for a battle plan in the lab. I think I’ll head over there now and explore a bit. Come find me later.” Heather waves and exits the café before anyone could follow. The mention of the lab had Heather considering that she needed a little more practice before their first manhunt. She also did feel a bit of a thrill knocking Ray and Nick on their ass, though she meant no ill-will toward the two. So, instead of returning home, Heather let herself wander into the lab, and locate a gym or space where she could experiment with her abilities in peace. She happen to locate one near the unused bedrooms and set to work. The first thing she tried was a transfer of energy. Her phone sat in her hand with a dead battery. Taking a breath, Heather pictures the little smartphone coming to life. She feels a tug from that source inside of her chest and she could feel the power traveling down her arm and into her hand. To Heather’s delight, the phone blinks to life and slowly charges. It was tiring though and it reminded Heather of the blood dives she would go to. The feel of the needle sucking away her blood, and the effort was easy on her part but very tiring. She wills the link between herself and the little device to be closed and with some effort it does end. The little charge icon disappears, but her phone now remains alive at 20% “Oh, hell yes.” Heather mutters with a wide grin. She notices the practice dummies resting in the corner of the room, and a new idea comes to her. Setting the phone aside, Heather begins to rub her hands together. She can feel the heat between her palms from the effort and notices the small sparks flying. She pulls hers hand apart and finds the bright blue sparks contained in the gap between her hands. Heather archers her fingers around the source of power, shaping it like clay into a crackling bright orb. With another grin, Heather aims for one of the dummies and releases the pure energy with both hands. The ball of electricity explodes from her hands, soaring faster than Heather could imagine and striking the center of the dummy with a brilliant crackle and bright flash. The dummy stood with a scorched and blacken hole in its center. Heather lets out an excited cheer, and immediately falls to her knees, suddenly weak and exhausted. Heather reminds there, catching her breath and composure. “Ok…..not so power much next time.” She gulps, still satisfied with her new discovery.