Once Peter made his way back down the mountain, Rapunzel sighed and looked at the chair lift. She hadn't seen anyone go down it... In fact, she didn't really know if it was allowed. That didn't stop her from walking over to the lift and preparing herself. She stared at the lift as it swung around on the track heading back down the mountain and ignored the people who were staring at her strangely. She took a deep breath and grabbed the arm rest of the chair and hoisted herself on before she pulled down the safety bar. She sat there for a moment as the lift made its way back down the mountain, ensuring that she had just broken something before she celebrated. After a quick little happy dance, she pulled out her sketch book again. She began to draw what she remembered of Peter's face. She liked drawing the faces of new people she met. She had a lot of loose sheets of paper with faces, young and old, male and female, stuffed into her sketch book from before she got it or when she forgot it in her room. The lift reached the bottom when she had the basic drawing of Peter done. No shading or detailing, just his face. Rapunzel hopped off of the chair and trudged through the snow toward the lodge. Her coat was covered in snow and her long hair was looking as though it were white or that she had a serious dandruff problem. Sticking her sketch book under her arm, she took of her hat and began the long task of taking her hair out of her braid to allow herself to shake the shoe out. She was almost done when she walked straight into a solid mass that caused her to jump a little, allowing her book to fall to the ground and papers to fly. She looked up at the girl she just ran into and turned red, "I'm so sorry," She said as she started to bend down to grab her things when her bag slipped from her shoulder, causing paint bottles, brushes, pencils, and pens to roll out of her purse and to where ever it was that they pleased, "Ack," she said in her shock as she bent over and started to gather whatever it was that she could, piling her papers back into her sketch book. Annelise looked towards Daria and Ilya for a moment when another guest walked over towards her one of the regulars who usually visited during this time of year. "Could you grab us a seat please?" The woman asked, Annelise looked towards Daria sighing slightly knowing that she had to get to work sooner then later. "Hey Dari, i'll see you later tonight we can go into town then alright?" Annelise said giving her friend a gentle pat on her shoulder, her eyes going toward s the big russian man giving him a quick nod. Annelise headed towards the front of the lodge's resturant with the other guest behind her and handed her one of the menus, hearing all the guests talking loudly Annelise led her towards one of the empty tables. "I'll be back to take your order." Annelise turned to walk towards the kitchen, as the young woman was on her way Annelise stumbled forward feeling another person knocking her slightly to the side. She turned to see various papers falling out and onto the floor, Annelise quickly got down on her knees. "Don't be sorry, it was my fault I wasnt paying attention." Annelise said, her eyes meeting the other girl's. As Annelise helped stack up the papers up into a small neat pile she noticed various drawings, as well as portaits of people she quickly assumed that this girl was some sort of artist. "I really like your drawings." Annelise complimented, seeing all of the various art supplies falling from her purse which convinced her even more that she was an artist. "I'm Annelise Brie by the way." She said extending her hand towards Rapunzel and smiled at her. Rapunzel was stuffing a handful of pencil crayons into a box when the girl who she had bumped into mentioned her drawings. She smiled softly before turning her attention back to carefully putting her things away, "Thanks..." She wanted to say more but she really didn't know what to. What did people say in this kind of situation. Most times when people saw her art, she knew them... She could normally figure it out... What did someone say to a complete stranger complimenting their art? She didn't get a chance to figure it out before the girl was introducing herself as Annelise and holding out her hand. She took it and smiled, "Rapunzel," She said before quickly adding, "Just Rapunzel..." She tucked a long strand of hair behind her ear, she was curious if the name would go over as simply as it had with Peter... She reached passed Annelise a little and retrieved the last piece of paper, a drawing of Aggie and placed it at the top of the pile before closing her sketchbook. She looked up at Annelise and smiled, "Thanks..." Annelise smiled softly at Rapunzel feeling the other girl's hand shaking hers and watched as she set the last drawing it was a picture of a woman who she didnt think much of it. "No problem at all." Annelise said as she handed back Rapunzel's purse, she helped her back onto her feet. "Are you hungry, do you need a warm drink or something? From the looks of your clothes you just got out from the snow." Annelise asked dusting herself off, she looked towards the guest she was going to serve. "The meal would be on me if you do want anything, since I work here." Rapunzel allowed Annelise to help her back to her feet after she took her bag back from her and offered her another, although quieter, thank you. She pulled her strap of her bag up and over her head to ensure that it wouldn't fall off and spill her things yet again. She opened her bag as Annelise spoke about getting her something to eat or warm to drink and placed her sketchbook back into her bag. She rested her hand on the strap and looked at the girl, "I... I couldn't ask you to do that. I mean... A lot of people come in from the snow here... It is a ski resort," She offered a small little laugh before she dug through her bag and pulled out her wallet and a few bills from it, "Besides, I do have money..." Agatha never got why but money was a weird concept to Rapunzel... She didn't understand it. Not to mention, it was all the same colour and so boring... She'd nearly given a man a hundred dollar bill instead of ten dollars once at a coffee shop. Luckily, Agatha had caught her. Slipping the money away, she looked at Annelise, "I'm fine.... Really.... I'd hate to make you feel like you had to get me something after I ran into you..." Annelise found Rapunzel rather cute though she didnt want her to feel nervous or anything. "My dad always said to never turn down a free meal if someone is offering. And besides you might need that money for something else that you might want to buy." Annelise said motioning for her to follow her and offered Rapunzel a seat in one of the booths in the resturant. "And I should have been paying attention anyway, at least i wasnt holding any food or it would have been really bad. I'll be back with a menu." Annelise said smiling to Rapunzel as she turned around to head towards the front of the room to grab a menu Annelise came back to the woman previously for a second and wrote down her order real quick and headed back to Rapunzel. "What would you like to drink?" Annelise asked holding out a pen with a small notebook she always carried handing a menu to her. Rapunzel didn't get much of a chance to fight Annelise on the subject. Not to mention, Rapunzel wasn't much of a fighter to begin with. She sighed a little with a smile on her face and followed Annelise to a booth before the girl went off to find her a menu. Rapunzel shook her head slightly but took off her wet coat and hung it on a hook between the booths before she took a seat. She looked around the place a little as she ran her fingers through the first few inches of her hair, playing with her part. Her hair took up a good portion of the bench but Rapunzel was just glad that she wasn't in a chair as her hair always touched the ground when she sat... It was already wet and she didn't need whatever dirt there was on the ground in her hair. She looked up at Annelise when she returned and asked her what she wanted. Her eyes widened slightly as she realized she hadn't even thought about it and probably should have been using her time more wisely before she took the menu and looked at the drink. She bit her lip a little as her eyes glanced over the options before they made their way to look at Annelise again, "A hot chocolate sounds nice....?" Annelise smiled at Rapunzel as she wrote it down on the notepad. "One hot choclate coming right up." She said giving her a friendly nod as she turned to head over towards the kitchen she went and started to brew up a cup of hot chocolate and grabbed a mug. The kitchen was loud and full of activity hearing the cooks barking out orders and giving them to the wait staff so that they could give the guests their food. A few seconds later the hot choclate was done and Annelise started walking back towards Rapunzel's booth. "Here you go, do you want something to eat as well?" Annelise asked smiling at the other girl as she set the mug of hot chocolate down on the table. Rapunzel was looking through the menu with awe... There was a lot on it that she hadn't had the chance to try before. Agatha and her didn't go out often in the last year and well, Agatha had her routines and Rapunzel picked them up. She didn't go out of Aggie's comfort zone too much. She pulled her attention away from the menu when Annelise returned with her hot chocolate. She looked to the drink then back up to Annelise, "I... don't know," She laughed a little, "There's just... so much... I can't decide," She nibbled at her lip a little, something she did when she was deep in thought, "What do you think I should have?" She asked, a big smile of her face as she found away not to decide. Annelise gently took the menu to look at it herself, after working at the lodge for most of her teenage years the menu was always changing a lot. Then she looked towards Rapunzel seeing her laugh. "Well I always get the buffalo chicken soup, its a little bit spicy but I always end up getting it, if you dont want that you can always get the lobster or steak if you wish as well." Annelise suggested. "Those are what I always get anyway." Rapunzel leaned forward on the table a little looking up at Annelise with interest as she spoke. When she finished, Rapunzel smiled, "Buffalo chicken soup it is." When the girl left, Rapunzel revisited her sketchbook and opened it to a new page. She stared at it for sometime before she started to make the outlines of a face. Drawing Annelise was easier than Peter, she was better at drawing the soft edges that men sometimes seemed to lack in their strong jaws. Of course, Peter's face would be a face that she'd use to challenge herself, to teach herself. Annelise's was a face that she could make a work of art out of. She was in the midst of drawing Annelise's second eye when she returned with her soup. Rapunzel left her book open and pushed it away from her a little to allow Annelise to place the soup in front of her, "Thank you." Annelise smiled and nodded. "Good choice, i'll be back with your soup in a few minutes." Annelise turned around to head back to the kitchen as she handed one of the chefs the food order for Rapunzel. She made her way back towards her other customer's table writing down her order as well and repeated the process once more like she had done with Rapunzel's. When the order was done Annelise went to grab her plate as she walked back to set down the hot plate of soup before Rapunzel and smiled at her. "Here you go." Annelise said as she went to sit down breifly across from her, her eyes slowly going down towards the new drawing and blushed slightly seeing what looked like her almost. Brushing the few strands of blonde hair out of her face tucking it behind her ear. "So where are you from?" Annelise asked wanting to get to know her better. Rapunzel looked down at her bowl before she picked up her soup that sat on the plate they had placed the bowl on. She dunked it into the orangey red looking soup. She stirred it around as Annelise asked where it was that she was from. There were two answers to that question, the easy one and the slightly complicated one. She scooped a small amount of soup onto her spoon before blowing it a little, "San Fransico since a year ago... Before that... I don't.... really know." She supposed that was the easiest way she could answer it without withholding information. She didn't have to say anything more than San Fransico... She could have left it at that... But she didn't want to. Annelise seemed nice and Rapunzel wanted to be her friend... Why not share a little more than needed in her head? Annelise leaned back in her seat watching as Rapunzel took a spoonful of the soup watching her new found friend starting to eat it, when she told her where she was from Annelise felt a small connection to her, when she was five years old with her sister down on the slopes where they were found by their adoptive father. "I was raised here for pretty much my whole like with my sister Eliza. Though we were adopted pretty much our father took us in when he found us together outside in the snow. Just as Annelise finished telling Rapunzel about her she looked up to see one of the wait staff. "Hey Anne we need your help." The waiter said letting out an annoyed sigh Annelise stood up taking her small note pad and started to write down her number. "I'll give you my number if you want to hangout while you are here." She said with a smile sliding it over to her before heading off towards the kitchen again.