[b]Office of the RSI Spokesperson, People Proletarian University, Brouges[/b] Gerald Veron though deeply about the subject. Going to war means that people will lose their lives. What good is freedom when not everyone could enjoy it? Being a country is not about borders, resources or cities. What truly matters is those who live in it. "We'll be needing small arms such as rifles, hand grenades, explosives and man portable anti tank weapons. Weapons that are easy hidden and transported. Also light anti-aircraft weapons will be a necessity. Furthermore we'll be needing trainers who can teach us how to handle the weaponry." Gerald Veron grabbed a piece of paper and started to write down some numbers. 25.000 rifles 15.000 submachine guns 40.000 pistols 1.000 mortars 5.000 anti-tank rifles/rockets 4.000 machineguns 2.000 light anti-aircraft weapons "Can you supply these weapons next month? They can be smuggled across the border with Alleghany or through the port of Colongo City. I would also like to present the Usonian case to the revolutionary workers congress." [b]Telegram to Tsar Voltus Ventus of the Tsardom of Ventium, Emperor Axaium Uldra of the Irodian Empire, Archon Antiogus Soter of The Malassakian Republic, Grand General of the Army Krux Wilheilm Mirz of THe Great Westhurst Union.[/b] Greetings, As you have all been aware, a new treat to the peace and stability of Kervan has risen over the past decades known as the Revolutionary Syndicalist Internatiol. This terrorist organization has overthrown many governments of the great nations in the past and will not stop until all of Kervan has been remodeled to their ideals. Recently they have started a terror campaign in Colongo and their revolution will not stop until all of Kervan has become Syndicalist. In the lights of thi rising treat The Ereatian Empire is looking to strengthen in bonds with your nations. We strongly believe that nations that persue a different path than this Syndicalism should stand united in facing the challenges these terrorists will bring to our countries. Therefor we would like to invite you or a representative of your nation to an upcoming meeting where we should discuss all the diplomatic challenges we face in todays world. The meeting will be held at The Ventian Skyship Overwatch that will be stationed in Colongo next week. I hope to that all the nations will attend. Yours sincerely, Prime Minister Steven Wilde The Ereatian Empire