[b]Amelia - Starter Town, Beginnings Boulevard[/b] "Excuse me! Make way! I can't see where I'm going! Sorry!" Amelia's voice called out to the people who were walking in front of her. Some scooted away from her path after laying eyes on what appeared to be a tower of food coming their way. The little thief was trying her hardest to keep all the food she hugged in arms balanced so it would not collapse on top of her. Not that she wouldn't mind having food on top of her, she just doesn't want to get it dirty. It would be a waste of food! This surplus of delicious goodies she is carrying were all packaged inside little boxes and stacked up high enough to block Amelia's vision, it was about two feet above her head. People who stood off on the side were watching to see if this girl would be able to maintain her balance, but by the looks of it, Amelia won't last long as the boxes started to wobble very ominously. Prior to this, Amelia arrived to Starter Town not too long ago. She was very excited to hear that a festival was going on and wanted to make sure she hoarded as much food as she can before the stores are sold out. However, there was one issue...she had no money! [i]-Wallet moths and a frown-[/i] So, she had to improvise and by improvise, she means steal. She went around different parts of town, pickpocketing unsuspecting people and bought various foods that caught her eye, down to the last coin. It started with one box of munchies...and then another...and another...then by the time she knew it, she already had about thirty boxes. The vendors tried to convince Amelia that she was already carrying more than she could handle, but that didn't stop her from living the dream! She would eventually cross paths with a particular blonde haired guy, green haired girl, a blonde elf, and a pink haired girl like herself. However, Amelia's course was heading straight towards the pink haired mage who was distracted with her precious caramel apple to notice a large shadow overlapping her own little size. When Amelia heard the announcement about a swordplay competition being held, it made her lose focus for a brief moment as the boxes began to wobble uncontrollably...and started to tip forward towards the poor pink haired girl. Amelia's eyes widened realizing it at the last minute, but she did not think anyone would be in front of her, so she assumed the situation wouldn't be any worse than it already is.