It took some time, Voana slowing her usual quick pace, ever concious of Itones recent exhaustion and illness, but soon enough the two Ancients and the Upstart approached then top of the stairs. As they neared the top, the faint and aloof chatter that had echoed down to them during the climb, suddenly erupted into a sharper tirade, seemingly just from one person. As Voana fought to place the familiar voice to a name and face in her head, she noticed that Sohena, two steps ahead of them, froze, one foot poised upon the next step up but her form stiff and suddenly unwilling to move. Voana strode up the steps towards her, laying a large hand carefully on her Sisters elbow, "Sister?" she questioned, her face taking on an expression of concern. Sohena did not lift her gaze to meet her Sisters, instead keeping her eyes trained on the step in-front of her, her face still a beautiful picture of serenity and coolness, a contrast to the rigid set of her body that Voana could now feel distinctly, having a firmer grip on Sohenas elbow. "It's nothing..." Sohena whispered to Voana, eyes still pointed at the stairs, after a few seconds she continued, in a louder and more authoritative tone, "You both, go on, I'll follow behind..." Voana did not relinquish her grasp on Sohenas elbow immediately, her face still trained on her Sisters face and only growing more concerned and frustrated by the second. Itone, sensing the mood keenly, climbed up the few steps between them and clutched a small, calloused hand on Voanas arm, digging in her fingers and pulling her hand away from Sohena, giving her Wife a pointed look when Voana turned to look at her. Voana frowned slightly but surrendered, giving Sohena one last short look before she continued up the stairs, her Wife a comforting presence beside her. As they reached the top of the stairs, they found themselves suddenly freed from the dimness of the stairwell and instead drowning in the rays of Aun, as the stairs opened up into a large space, built somewhat like an amphitheatre and containing a small group of beings, none of whom Voana had deigned to meet willingly even before the Great War. "Be silent. We come here with open hands, but you ready a clenched fist. Sheathe your sword." was the order she heard echo around the room, boomed with an authoritative voice that she had heard several times on the battlefield, and more times on the training grounds growing up. Voana felt her eyes roll before they came to rest on the finely-armoured form of Vaul, who stood in the centre of the group, his admonishing stance aimed at the winged being that stood a small ways off from the others. Voana took in the battered and indignant form of Neveras with no small measure of surprise, though the expression quickly melted into one of matched ire when the Ancient noticed her arrival first and faced her with a look of distaste. Bringing her hand down to rest on the hilt of Iron-Spine, Voana released a hard breath she hadn't realised she'd been holding and turned her head to look down at Itone, regarding her Wife with a cautionary glance, Itone responding with a silent nod and a solidifying of her stance. Suddenly but quietly, Voana felt the presence of her Sister at her back, having quietly found resolve and crept up the rest of the stairs behind them. Her appearance burgeoned more confidence in Voana, and the ancient chose to pull herself into her advantageous height, striding properly into the room, her shoulders back and her steps heavy and loud. "Never thought I'd hear you tell someone to put their sword away Vaul-" Voana called as she approached the group, Itone marching at her side and Sohena gliding along behind them, "- war has made you softer."