*Updating starting 6/15/18* Greetings and welcome to my humble interest check! I'm not one for bells and whistles, so I'll get right to the point, which is: I need partners! I got out of roleplaying for about 3 years and just decided to come back about a month ago. About me & my writing: -I'm 23. -I'm American & live on Pacific time. -I consider myself a casual-advanced RPer. -I log in almost every day. -I may or may not post/reply to messages every time I log in. -I have this weird habit of giving almost any RP presented to me a try, but I'm [i]ex-trah-eemly[/i] picky in the long term. You've been warned. [img]https://media.giphy.com/media/QUaqJRizED5NC/giphy.gif[/img] -Erotic-only RPs -Slice of life RPs -One liners Current craving: Something violent Instead of presenting a tedious and redundant list of pairings, here's what I like within a given genre... For ANYTHING involving a medieval/historical setting, I expect a bit of realism. Illiterate commoners, general lack of sanitation, etc. Our forefathers were gross AF, come on. Fantasy: -As much as I love medieval fantasy, I'm actually a little burnt out on it right now. Let's mix it up with a different time period. -If the plot involves dragons in any way, I'm probably already SOLD. Pitch it to me. Please. -Double-SOLD if someone plays an actual dragon. My fandoms include Tolkien, GoT, and Legend of the Seeker. Sci-Fi: -High concept is my preferred state of sci-fi, but that's flexible. -Staaaaar Treeeeeeek. STAAAAAAAR TREEEEEEEEEKKKK. -Star Wars is alright, I guess. -------- UN-UPDATED Supernatural: These can be any time period. - Vampire x Vampire - Vampire x Mortal (again, need a strong plot) - Vampire x Werewolf - Werewolf x Werewolf - Werewolf x Mortal - Demon x Mortal - Angel x Mortal - Supernatural (the TV series) fandom - Vampire Chronicles fandom Anime: - Jojo's Bizarre Adventure - Sailor Moon - Parasyte Fandoms include OC & canon, but I'm really picky about canons. Accuracy is a must. This isn't an exhaustive list. If you have something in mind, feel free to suggest it.