[center][img]https://33.media.tumblr.com/e17407d83962be11fa848ff08d5ae1b1/tumblr_nasl98fJwS1qj5jqso5_500.gif[/img][/center] Captain Boomerang struggled to remain calm as the Reverse Flash sped ahead and began to take out the oncoming group of guards. The sight of the red lightning pissed the man off in general, especially after the last time he had encountered it before he had been hauled off here. That had been a dark day for the all the Rogues, fortunately, a gesture from Deathstroke snapped him out of his thoughts. Nodding to their one-eyed leader, the super villain moved forward swiftly down the corridor. Spying the door ahead which undoubtedly led to the hangar, he spotted its guards. Smiling, he reached to his utility belt and grabbed a couple of projectiles which he launched forward, one after the other. These whizzed through the air in a gleam of silver metal before colliding with their targets; the first two hitting the door's hinges and thus missing one of the guards, who gave a short laugh before being silence by the next boomerang, which sliced through his right arm. As he dropped his gun in pain, his companion opened fire, before the same happened to him. Moving closer, Cap' Boomerang swung forward, knocking one of the guards down with a hard blow to the face, only to be knocked back by his partner. Growling, he charged forward, tackling the second guard into the door, which fell under their weight, helped by the destruction of its hinges previously. Stumbling to his feet, Digger was happy to find himself in the facilities hangar bay. Below the walkway he entered onto, various vehicles lined the walls, from APCs to SWAT vans, as well as the occasional typical prison bus. Turning back to his "squad", he gave a crooked grin and beckoned them to follow. "Come on Mad-eye" He called. "Come take your pick!" A sounds from his feet caught his attention, and he looked down to see the guard groaning and beginning to sit up, dazed slightly. Sighing, Captain Boomerang kicked him back down, flinging a boomerang downwards to end his misery.