Using the edge of her cloak, she surreptitiously wipes at a smudge on the wine glass before taking a sip of the cheap, watered down drink. "I understand," she says of the ship when Solomon begins to wax eloquent about it, and she is apparently so interested in his words or at least, very good at feigning said interest, that she almost misses his offer. She startles when she catches it, and hides the sudden tensing of her shoulders behind taking another sip of her drink. "Why would you assume I am looking for passage?" she asks a bit primly. "I could always book passage at the port authority if that were the case," she insinuates a bit too smoothly. A bit of the wind goes out of her sails when he clarifies, and she doesn't look particularly appreciative of his pointing out her accent, either. "If I were looking for passage, then." She purses her lips, glancing about the pub for a moment before continuing. "What would your fee be for a voyage of about... five weeks?" she asks. "I'm going to visit my mother," she explains. "And may even be interested in a swift return for the both of us, if you were amenable." She sets the unpalatable wine aside, now that they've gotten to the heart of the matter. "I would need to leave quickly, nigh immediately," she adds. "And discreetly, of course."