Hello all, I was wondering if there would be any interest in an RP set in Brandon Sanderson's Reckoners universe. For those of you unfamiliar, in this world one day a a huge red/orange star rises into the sky, and a year later people start gaining powers. The thing is everyone who gains superpowers is evil. So basically it's a world of super villains and no super heroes. The Epics quickly take over. The Reckoners are a small gorup dedicated to taking down these Epics, typically by discovering their weaknesses and setting traps. The nature of the Epics is still surrounded in mystery. Why and how did this happen? How is the star (Calamity) connected to them? How is it that their powers can defy the laws of physics? Why do they have these seemingly random weaknesses? The most recent book revealed a few things. But due to these revelations and the special nature of Epics, I am hesistant to allow anyone to actually play an Epic. On top of that I've never GMed before. So if anyone is familiar and read up on the Reckoners and would like to help me set up the RP, please PM me. I will need a Co-GM to help me make this work. That said, if you're familiar and want to submit ideas and help form it but don't want to GM feel free to start discussing, but try to limit spoilers. My ideas and concerns, beneath a hider because they contain spoilers for both Steelheart and Firefight [hider=Plot ideas] The main problem I have with any of these ideas is that playing from the perspective of the Epics requires the person playing them to have knowledge of their nature, and so everyone participating will need to have read the Reckoners or be completely cool with all the spoilers like the fact that using powers makes you evil, weaknesses are based on fears, etc etc. On top of that, unless the characters are resisting use of their powers, I think playing an Epic who has just given in to their powers would be boring. Because at that point you end up playing the equivalent to a rabid dog. I feel like this can be avoided by making all Epics NPCs, but where's the fun in that. -A small group of Reckoners stationed in a city we have not yet seen, maybe something on the west coast. They're trying to takedown whatever Epics have control of the area. This is the most straightfoward RP as well as giving us more room to play around with the plot. Of course the issue remains of controlling Epic characters. -A group of refugees travelling the country side, trying to make it to Newcago. They'd have to stop in different settlements along the way, and deal with the minor epics ruling there. -A group of Reckoners stationed in either Newcago or Babilar fending off the various Epics who come to try and reclaim the city. [/hider] So that's that. Like I said, I've never GMed before so I am open to any constructive advice and input.