Quick my friend- this RP will launch (unintended pun lol ) quite soon, I hope maybe even by tomorrow night or so (GMT wise). If you have something there, and it looks good, go ahead. So current character sitrep, a TLDR of characters if you will: A British EVA Specialist A Russian Engineer An Austrlian Physicist A Canadian Safety Tech The RP won't be long, but I will say it will be very concentrated. It all takes place in the span of four hours- so any of the action that occurs likely will be flowing and continuous, before the end. Character death is a strong possibility for some- and after this last character, I'll probably shut off any more, since we've got enough people. I should make a reminder- I don't care for post orders in this, so long as it's vaguely everyone getting in a post. I want to see how it works- post orders can be useful, but sometimes hold up the RP. We'll see how it rolls. Oh, and if you quit the RP, either because of lack of interest or whatnot, I'll give your character a fitting death- just a heads up :D