Done. I threw the CS in the character section, but I'll spare you some seconds anyway. [b]Name[/b]: Aaron Hodges [b]Age[/b]: 17 [b]Rank[/b]: I [b]Nationality[/b]: England [b]Weapon[/b]: [url=]A cane[/url] [b]Gear[/b]: A smart phone, which he uses to store profiles and skip to deductions based on intel gathered in field work, and a small notebook with a pen which he uses to write messages. [b]Appearance[/b]: Standing at 5'9, with a weight of around 130 pounds, [url=]Aaron[/url] is a rather slim fella. Mistaking his slim build for a physical shortcoming, however, is one many are bound to make. While not guaranteed to emerge as a winner, he is able to hold his own against a man twice his age and body size, without employing the Light. His most unique traits are his natural blue hair, which somewhat match his piercing blue eyes. In terms of fashion preferences, he's not against hiding his androgynous appearance - quite the contrary actually - he pretty much advertises it, choosing a variety of clothing that some might agree are not fit for a male. [b]Personality[/b]: Aaron adopts most of his personality feats from his favorite fictional character, that is Sherlock Holmes. Not to say he tried to mimic his personality. It just so happened that they had a couple of things in common. The most 'in your face' feature is probably his habit of just saying things bluntly. While that's not always intentional (considering he still doesn't have a full understanding of human emotions), he may use it deliberately sometimes in order to create a strategic opportunity. Should his behavior prove to be overwhelming to the community, then he will feel obliged to issue an apology. Other than that, he isn't a bad person after all. He enjoys making new friends, in spite of having difficulties in doing so, and respects anyone who engages in field work, no matter what cause they're following. He is usually very clam, but may be caught having brief panic attacks in the face of danger. He is also very smart and witty, able to skip to conclusions with very little bits of information. [b]History[/b]: Left before the doorstep of an orphanage in Sussex when he was just three months old, Aaron soon became the adopted son of a rich conglomerate. It is unknown why he was abandoned, but there are several hints that point to his mutation - blue hair, to be more precise. His adoptive father had grown so fond of him that, by the time he reached six years old, he decided to spare him from the dangers of the outside and school him at home. He was raised spotless, never once facing danger or trying any other different sensation. However, everything would change in his 14th birthday. It was that day, that dreadful day, that a strange winged creature broke through the manor where Aaron lived and caused a turmoil, killing his foster father in the process. Unable to comprehend what happened, Aaron, instead of following his instincts and running away, actually tried to reason with the beast. It was that pure action that awakened the light inside him and gave him enough force to fend off the beast. With the manor destroyed and his foster father dead, Aaron saw it fit to run away and enjoy the world, taking his father's cane with himself. It took two years for his act of valor to finally be noticed, when a then 16 year old Aaron, now travelling the world as a nomad and gathering knowledge on a life he was so oblivious of, was contacted by TERA. [b]Hobbies[/b]: Chess, brain teasers, crosspuzzles - anything involving wit, he is up for it. He doesn't shy away from outdoor activities either, practing his Judo time to time. [b]Style[/b]: Support. [b]Abilities[/b]: He possesses the ability to animate paper, often creating a running paper airplane which he uses to deliver messages in long distances, hence why he keeps a small notebook with himself. Once he uses this ability, he develops a sort of symbiotic relationship with his creation, able to see what IT sees and feel whatever IT feels. While the range of control he has can be expanded to cover an entire nation, natural factors such as wind, rain and other lifeforms such as seagulls can intercept his messages and force him to restart all over again.