[h2]Seilber & Indigo - Before Matches[/h2] [h3]Sielber[/h3] Seilber's alarm didn't go off at 7 AM. Instead she had set her alarm for 6:00 AM. It had gone off quietly during the dark hours of the morning. Her pointy ears had twitched before honey colored eyes had split open in the darkness of the room, shutting it off. Groaning, she pushed herself out of bed. Near silently she changed in the dark into a pair of short shorts, halter top, and zip-up hoodie. Taking her SCROLL with her, she headed out through the door. After a brief set of stretches, she began making her way around Beacon at a brisk walk, which became a trot, then a full jog, almost a run. Her breath fogged the early morning, crisp cool air. At first it had raised gooseflesh against her legs, but now as she ran it helped keep her cool. A set of earbuds made for her kind of Faunus provided some mental stimulation as she focused on cardio, using it as a good way to wake up. As she made her way around the campus, she noted which buildings were which, anybody who was out, everything she could see, and store in her memory. Physical activity and music were two great triggers for memory management. The door to the team's dorm had opened up with Seilber making her way in just before the alarms started going off. Grabbing an outfit, as they hadn't had their uniforms given yet, she made her way into their bathroom. Leaving the door slightly cracked she hopped in the shower. If they were going to live and work together for the next four years, then they would have to get used to being in proximity to each other. Modesty wasn't a major concern, and it wouldn't be right for her to hog the entire bathroom while others might need to use it, especially just after getting up. [h3]Indigo[/h3] Indigo stirred at about seven to the annoying and constant beeps of his alarm that had just grown louder and louder with each passing second. He had honestly considered smashing the thing into millions of smaller, much quieter pieces to relieve himself of the noise. That wouldn't get him anywhere good though, He'd surely have to pay for it, and that was an expense he just didn't want to deal with. So instead of accruing property damage he simply turned the thing off and stretched out, yawning and groaning all at the same time. He then opened his deep blue eyes to the oddly bright light shining into the room. "Ugh, crap." He complained, covering his eyes with his forearm to block the sun's rays. This was what he hated most about mornings, his pupils always burned and his head always hurt as he adjusted to the new, more radiant surroundings. After lying in bed for a minute or two he got up and crouched down to his bag and gather some basic stuff. Toothbrush, toothpaste, towel, outfit for the day (mask included), et cetera. He always showered first in the morning; it was so refreshing and awakening. It was, in his opinion, the only objectively right way to begin a day. And his opinion was pretty great, as far as he was concerned. With that narcissistic thought in head, he made his way to the clearly very open obviously bathroom. I mean, he was like 90 percent sure nobody was even here. Ineko was at the infirmary, right? Yeah, he was pretty sure, though he couldn't quite remember why... As Indie entered the bathroom, he gently closed the door behind him. He didn't even have the energy to close it with much force, so why even bother waking those in the room up with a slam? Indie then placed his items down before turning to the shower and noticing something was very, very wrong. Behind the translucent curtain he could see something. From what he could guesstimate, it was a feminine figure with fox ears and a tail. This bathroom was occupied. As Indie muffled a small shout with his hand, he quickly opened up the door, almost ripping it off it's hinges with his new-found speed and strength, and ran out, slamming it behind him. "D-dude!" He shouted through the door, red flooding his normally pale face. "Why didn't you lock the door!?! This isn't some creepy hentai! I-I mean, I'd like it to be, but..." He trailed off with a small laugh, joking and trying to save face as 'wacky wierdo kid'. He honestly didn't even know why he tried though; With no mask to hide his emotions she'd obviously notice his embarrassment. He went and quietly sat on his bed and looked down at his lap in an odd sort of shame as he waited for her to finish her shower. He'd have to get up earlier tomorrow to avoid bumping into her like that. [h3]Seilber[/h3] A few minutes later, Seilber came out of the the bathroom wearing a cottony white towel large enough to easily cover her, tucked tightly in place, and another wrapped around her head, steam billowing off her skin. It seemed Viv had already disappeared for the morning. She glanced over at Ineko, tilting her head a bit. "Hey," she said quietly as she padded over to her bed. "Are you alright? I left the door cracked on the bathroom so you guys could use it," she said simply. She studied him for a moment, resting her hands on her hips. "Uh... Ineko, you do know you're stuck with me for four years, right," she said, her tone gentle. "We live, eat, and fight together during that time, as a team... so... What's the big deal? You've never been in the same bathroom as a girl taking a shower before or what?" [h3]Indigo[/h3] Indie continued to stare at his lap as he heard the door open and close. As soon as she called out to him though, he quickly glanced up at her, before continuing to look downward. As uninteresting as his lap was, it was much preferable to look at that instead of her, for a large number of reasons. Half of them were about her body, and the other half were about his body. More specifically, his body language. Faces could convey a lot "[b]Are you alright? I left the door cracked on the bathroom so you guys could use it[/b]," She stated, as if it was obvious and normal to allow someone you're not related to use the same room you're taking a shower in, even if you're not in an amorous relationship with them. There was a pause. She was looking at him, obviously. Staring at his red flushed face, probably mentally laughing at him. He looked back up at her in a sort of hotheaded, foolish defiance. She placed her hands on her hips and spoke softly, and gently, probably so he wouldn't get mad or take offense to anything she said. "[b]Uh... Indigo, you do know you're stuck with me for four years, right? We live, eat, and fight together during that time, as a team... so... What's the big deal? You've never been in the same bathroom as a girl taking a shower before or what?"[/b] "Of course I have, [i]god[/i]." He lied with a small laugh. He certainly never had siblings; His parents were to preoccupied with ignoring him to ignore anyone else. Female friends? Well, he had a female friend, yes, but he'd never even been in the same building as her if she was wearing less than a bathing suit. As for girlfriends? He was tempted to laugh out loud. Of course not! he had spent all his time that he could have spent developing social skills, and charm, as time for practicing fighting, and being odd. If he fought well enough than surely ability to communicate wouldn't even need to be a factor in whether or not people liked him. People loved a great fighter, the adoration of Huntsmen and Huntresses were clear evidence of that. He rubbed the back of his head as an idle gesture of awkwardness, slightly weird-ed out by the lack of a strap there. His lie was probably obvious, but he didn't want to confront that stuff now, so he silently got up and began walking to the bathroom. [h3]Sielber[/h3] Sei watched him for a few moments, then shook her head just a little. His tone of voice and inflection told a different story, as did his body language. He was stressed, uncertain. She was being a pain in the neck or a headache, almost literally by the touch to the back of his head and neck. With a sigh, she made her way to her bed, picking up her gear to grab what she would wear for the day. They hadn't been issued uniforms yet. Was he really that shy, she wondered. A lot of questions and wonderings were copping up in her busy little head. At the same time, another part of her kicked into gear. Why did she care? He was just an asset, wasn't he? How would he benefit her next moves? What even was the next objective to begin with? Shaking her head again at herself, she murmured quietly after him. "Sorry. ... Just think about what you might have to deal with if we're stuck out in the woods together for an extended period," she said as he neared the bathroom door. Indigo was awfully twitchy, and certainly touchy. He liked to hide himself, the mask told her that much. Was she going to have to drag everything out of him? He was her partner. They had worked thus far together decently, but the guy was fairly standoffish. What was his issue? Last night hadn't helped. [h3]Indigo[/h3] A small frown could be seen on Indi's face as Seilber sighed. He cursed himself for even thinking that he could rest with his mask off. He'd have to create something soft, maybe made of felt. Maybe one of those masquerade masks? No, those wouldn't hid his mouth, or his cheeks. He'd think of something later, right now more important things were afoot, like a nice, hot, Seilber-less shower. As he entered the bathroom he heard her, with that same softness, say something. "[b]Sorry... Just, think about what you might have to deal with if we're stuck out in the woods together for an extended period.[/b]" Indi paused. What the hell was he going to do in that situation? In fact, he mas more than sure something like that was going to come up, considering most huntsmen and huntresses went on missions like that. "A field mission, huh?" He said with a quietness equal to hers, but with an added layer of condescension. "I'll figure it out. Who's to say I can't fight my way back into civilization?" he said with a slight smile. A lot of people and Grimm said that he couldn't just kill his way into a city. Still, he'd deal with it when he had to. Thinking ahead wasn't a strength of his, obviously. That was probably why he wasn't chosen; He was better on the field than in a political debate or a general's tent. With that thought Indi closed the door to the bathroom and quickly began to go through his morning routine. Firstly, he showered, scrubbing with an intense quickness as to get all the muck and grime that surely had accumulated on him. Normally, he enjoyed taking his time with showers. They allowed him to focus, relax, and wake up. Most of the time he was in a shower, a hypnotic sort of catharsis washed over him. Now though, there was to much on his mind and he simply didn't have the time or mindset to fully enjoy himself. With his shower out of the way, he brushed his teeth, and placed on his outfit. He finally felt at home with his mask placed back on his face. He had become very reliant on it ever since he left Signal, and he made it an important bulletin in his day to clean it and make sure there were no cracks or anything on it. He exited the bathroom before quickly re-entering. He had completely forgotten to grab his dirty clothes back up, as did Seibler. An annoyed sigh left his lips as he rubbed his temple. Was this another test to see if he would pick up her unmentionables, or if he'd force her to do it because of what he thought were perfectly normal social boundaries? Maybe he was blowing this out of proportion, but that's kind of a skill he thought he was pretty great at. "Yo, you left your," Indi paused for a second as he thought of the right word, "Stuff on the bathroom floor. As much as I like the outfit, I'm not a maid. Could you pick that up, please?" The word 'please' was un-needfully stressed and he noticed as soon as the sentence left his mouth. He quietly added "I mean, I'll pick it up if you want. I'm fine with it. Just, pick it up next time." He said as he picked his SCROLL up of his bedside table. "So, wanna grab breakfast before going to class? I'm hankering for a muffin. How 'bout you, Sei?" He asked, quickly changing the subject with the promise of food and a child-like fake grin hidden under his mask. [h3]Sielber[/h3] By the time he had finished the shower, Seilber was changed, and staring at the door, arms crossed pointedly. She didn't say anything in response to his mini-tirade about her stuff being in there. She had planned on retrieving it sooner rather than later, preferably before he had started his shower, but seeing as he practically freaked earlier, she had opted to wait, which was putting her behind schedule. Making her way into the bathroom, she grabbed her things, before padding out and tossing them into the storage each student had, then sealed it shut. As he mentioned food, she turned toward him, giving him a pointed look. "It's almost time for classes to start. A muffin is about all either of us will have time for, now," she said after thinking better of what she actually wanted to say. With that she grabbed her notebook, her Scroll and keyed the dorm doorlock from the device to open. Tomorrow she'd have to get up earlier, between the run, and shower, and roommates... teammates... there wasn't any time for any other.. things to add but to get dressed and get moving. [h3]Indigo[/h3] Sei was probably kind of pissed. Her stance and that glare she gave him emanated a sort of 'you're an idiot' vibe. He wasn't about to disagree with her. "[b]It's almost time for classes to start. A muffin is about all either of us will have time for, now.[/b]" She said. He was confused for a second. Had he really spent that much time messing around and being stupid? Sure, their squabble was a time waster, for all intents and purposes, but had it really wasted that much time? With a quick check of his Scroll he confirmed that, yes, he was preoccupied in his own issues enough to stop keeping track of time. "Whoops." He mumbled in realization. "Well, in that case, let's just get to class. We have Combat up first, and I am not missing that class for the world." He said, slipping his Scroll into his back pocket and picking his weapons up. Cia and Lana, god did he love these things. He'd normally take the time out of his day to admire his handiwork, but he could do that later. Right now, he had stuff to do and people to hurt. The two hatchets clipped onto his waistline, and he confidently swung open the door to step out into the hall. As Indi entered the classroom, he stared impatiently at the teacher and her assistant as they explained what was going to happen in the class. The excitement and anxiousness on his face would be obvious, had he not wore a mask. Fighting, dear lord fighting. This was definitely going to be his favorite class of the day. Sparring was up first, and he almost leaped into the Colosseum. He was fighting someone named "Gren" first. He had never heard of this Gren person, but he hoped they put up a good fight. [h3]Sielber[/h3] After a moment of watching him, she shook her head. Sealing the door behind them she glanced at the scroll. There was about half an hour or so before they had to be to class. By the time they got through the line, got to eating, and finished, it would be almost time to be at class. "I'll meet you there," she said. "I've got something to do before class starts real quick." ---- As she made her way outside, she took off at a light jog, enjoying the feeling of her muscles working again, but this time it was only mild activity as she trotted over to the dining hall. Within a couple minutes she had scored a couple things in paper bags, then cleared out, not stopping to wait. It was a short trip to where combat classes were. Making her way into the building, she spotted Indigo. Weaving among the other students she held out one of the bags. Upon opening it, would be a nicely sized blueberry muffin. Sitting down, she pulled out her own from a similar bag. In another brown bag she pulled out a couple bottles of water, passing one to him. "I didn't know whether you would want milk, or water... and I figured water would be better for keeping hydrated anyway," she explained. "I'm sorry about earlier," she said, gesturing toward the muffin. [h3]Indigo[/h3] As Indi took a seat, he saw a familiar face hold out a brown bag. Normally, such a site would be suspicious, and normally he'd make a comment about how odd it was to receive an unmarked bag from someone. Normally, said bags weren't filled with a delicious blueberry muffin. He stared, mouth agape at it, for a few seconds. Why in the hell would she get him this amazing muffin? Frankly, he'd been acting like kind of a jerk lately. It was pretty much his fault for bursting into the bathroom, even if she did act a tad abrasive afterwards. There was also his badly hidden flip out about the whole 'leader' thing, but he had gotten over it at least a little. "[b]I didn't know whether you would want milk, or water... and I figured water would be better for keeping hydrated anyway. I'm sorry about earlier.[/b]" She said, while handing him a drink. Part of him deep down knew this was just a simple rush down to the mess hall to grab something for him, but to Indi, that didn't really matter. She had gone out of her way to get food for him, even with the potential to be late for class. Hell, she even apologized! Who was he to judge if she came from a different environment and that was a normal thing for her? He rarely ever felt like an asshole (one of the perks of being an egotist), but now he felt exceedingly bad. "I-I-" He stuttered, unable to mentally comprehend her kindness. "Thanks." He finally managed to say. Part of him thought accepting defeat and apologizing like that when she wasn't in the wrong as much as he was was weak. But maybe that was what being strong was about. Maybe he was over thinking this. There were a lot of possibilities, is what he was getting at. Point was, her kindness was kind of inspiring. For now, he'd follow her. Wasn't much he could do about his position right now anyways. "And, Seibs? I'm, uh, I'm sorry too." He apologized, moving his mask to the side of his head to allow her vision of his smile. It was a sign of trust that he'd hope she'd understand. Also, he needed to take the mask off to eat the muffin, which he did promptly. [h3]Seilber[/h3] As he stammered in a bit of shock, and then gave her thanks, she smiled in return. "You're welcome." When he apologized, she looked over at him for a moment then flashed a brighter smile, only to nod once to him and to herself. "Apology accepted," she said, visibly relaxing. For the moment, things felt more right. Conflict, while she could handle it, she didn't like it. If they were stuck together, might as well make the best of it. Seilber opened her mouth as if to speak, when the tardy bell went off. Class was started. As Ms. Goodwitch began her windup for the class, and had her assistant list off the sparring matches, she listened intently. When her name was called to go up against Rakim, she felt a little bit of relief that she didn't have to go up against Indigo. At the same time, she wasn't up to speed on what this Rakim person wold be like. Carefully she watched the first two matches, studying abilties, styles, and so on, before it was her turn. Looking over to Indigo, she murmured, "Wish me good hunting." At the same time there was a nervous smile on her face, before she began making her way down to the combat area.