[h1]Prologue: Festive Skies[/h1] It was early in the morning at the Port of Brizen. It was a small naval dock, located at one of the southern most shores where the land wasn't as dramatic in elevation. The air was clear and the sun shining brightly as the towns people went about their day. Recently, one of the few Arkillia merchant ships had arrived only two days earlier. Aboard were some peculiar outsiders, dressed and sharp black uniforms. They had remained in the town's more finer tavern before today, but now they were being escorted towards the Airship docks. A luxury version of an Arkillian Merchant Airship had arrived only an hour earlier, and now the sharply dressed stranger and his intimidating guards boarded the ship. They were taken to a lounge like room with couches and tables, well lit by the natural sunlight flowing in through the large observation windows. The room was silent as it was empty, except the two Arkillian guards standing at the opposite door. As the men took their seats the door open revealing a Valkyerian man dressed in a high ranking Airborne fleet uniform. "Ahh Gentlemen! Glad to see the trip by sea was uneventful. I do hope the journey was not too bad. Welcome aboard the [i]E.M.S. Alkeria[/i], I am Major Varkos Thont and I will be escorting you during your stay in the Empire." he sat across from them and pulled out a map, flattening it on the table. "We will be arriving in the capital, Vaalermoor, in only an hour or so as the winds are in our favor today." They passed over the various farmlands and towns that dotted the rolling, uneven landscape. as they approached the capital, airships from all over the nation were buzzing about in the air, many landing in preparation for the opening ceremony. Their arrival was just in time as it was the day all Arkillians celebrate across the nation. They day the Liberian Wars finally ended and Valkyerians across the nation were freed. The capital below them bustled with energy and activity as people hastily moved about to get a good view of the parade. The airship the group road in finally began to descended towards a massive complex. Large runways, hangars, and one mega structure covered the area with all sorts of military and civilian flying machines moving around it. They docked in the large mega complexes that housed countless airships and finally made their way to the capital building. They were ushered through the room to a large open balcony that overlooked a massive square, filled to the brim with citizens. They were seated among other high ranking military members as the members of the Senate sat on the other side. In the middle stood the Chancellor, a strong looking women with strikingly intense orange eyes and pure white hair trimmed with black. "My fellow people of Arkillia... I stand here before you, humbled to see this great gathering. My position, your support, the fact that we can stand here is all the evidence I need that there is no such thing as "fate". WE can decide our own destiny! WE can chisel out our own history! And most of all WE are FREE!" a small pause as the ground cheered loudly before settling down. "SO here I am! A proud person of the Valkyeria! And here we live in this time! This time were we not only broke the shackles of slavery but the shackles of gravity! We, the people of the sky! Have finally returned to our home!" One that, the roar of engines was heard. Large flights of Arkillian fighters, attackers, and bombers flew in beautiful formations throughout the sky. The bombays on the bombers opened, dropping confetti out over the sky. Following them were the 1st Fleet. The major flying force consisting of numerous airships including a Fortress Class. It caste a massive shadow over the crowd as it passed over, firing its minor guns off in succession while lowering banners along its hull. "Now let us begin the celebration of liberation!" The crowd cheered and with that, the Chancellor stepped down and walked back into the building, followed by the rest of the attendants. Moments later, the men were ushered into a well lit conference room. In there sat an aged man with a high ranking uniform and a much younger woman wearing a different, yet similar uniform. Finally, the Chancellor entered and everyone took their seat. Outside the windows, the airships and aircraft still flew overheard, putting on a show for the people below. "Welcome, representatives of the Great Westhurst Union. I am Chancellor Helena Vortzeria. This is HandelWind Kommandant Walt Hoffmesser, he is head of our Airborne Fleet." the aged man nodded to them. "...and this is Katherine Avonsta, our top Strike Witch and specialist in air combat."