[hider=Dome]Name: Dome Appearance: [img]http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/264/b/0/risk_by_betawho-d6n644m.jpg[/img] Size: He stands at around 5 foot 11 Unit history: Dome was the first and only in a line of robots made to explore the more inhabitable planets of the solar system and possibly beyond that. They were made to be able to relay information back to Earth at any distance and were programmed to be adequate in combat with the hopes that he meet alien life, friendly or not. The series was quickly discontinued just after Dome's creation as the great war had begun to worsen and thoughts of exploration were abandoned for thoughts of survival. Memory: Dome can remember vague blurs of his creation and first steps. The last thing he can remember is being put into the suspension chamber and powering down. Equipment: What do you posses to help you explore and exploit an savage and foreign world -Two submachine guns that fire what little bullets he has left along with any scrap he can fashion into an object small and sharp enough to be used as a makeshift bullet. -A small knife Skills: Like above but these are embedded within your core installation. -Knowledge of cartography Ranks: Combat: B Memory: B Speed: C Companionship: D Electronics: C Wisdom: B Initializing data retrieval: "COMPLETE" [/hider]