[quote=@SoleAccord] Familiarity is nice. What about the rating for the roleplay? Are we to expect some violence here and there, perhaps able to romance characters in our spare time as we develop these characters? I have an idea for a boxer; development comes first of course, but I think you'd like him, even if this rp is not battle-centric. What kind of characters would you like to see? [/quote] Rating? I suppose it'll be a bit of a mature rp, though I don't want things to take on a dark tone. There will likely be some violence here and there, though again, they won't be the focus. Romance is a possibility. I'd like to see a diverse cast of personalities, maybe a few eccentric individuals. I'd also like to avoid having similar archtypes here. [quote=@Constantine] *Rubs chin thoughtfully* Sounds like a very interesting concept and you had me the moment you mentioned Bakemonogatari. When you say that the gifted can perceive these supernatural events is it a case of people rationiising away the truth or more like in Grimm (if you know it) where only special people can see the supernatural entities in their true form and the rest of the world see's something else? [/quote] I'd say it's a bit of both, supernatural events may occur, and without having a proper explanation for it, people will make something up, like swamp gas, or solar flares or something lol. There will be some entities that normal people can see, however, most of them will be things that normal people simply cannot see nor sense. [quote=@Dead Cruiser] [url=http://i3.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/502/372/097.jpg]Shit bro, I am so in.[/url] I tried a couple of months ago to run a literal Bakemonogatari RP. A few questions, though. What sort of mythos are we running off of? Urban myths, traditional myths, literary fantasy, any combination thereof? Are our characters merely able to perceive the supernatural (would-be "Specialists," in terms of our inspirational material,) or would we play as supernatural entities themselves as well (or merely those influenced by them)? [/quote] I'm Platinum excited there are fellow bakemonogatari fans here! Concerning the mythos, it'll be a mix of traditional myths and literary ones... maybe a few urban ones, we'll have to see. Our characters can either simply be sensitive to spiritual energies, or be people influenced in some way by an entity. If someone wants to use a fully fledged supernatural entity, I'd like them to run it by me first, since I don't want anyone to be too powerful. If anything, I'd prefer it if at least most of the RPers pick an entity to either represent their character, or take influence from. [quote=@Bunnita] Soooooooo... k. How much of this Bakemonogatari do we needs to know abouts? Cuz like... teh bunny watched like all of ohhh... never, that's why. U,U!!! [/quote] You don't need to know anything about it. I'm simply taking inspiration from the series.