[h1]Iron Thunder: Heingrid, Westhurst Union member nation[/h1] Throught the hours, through the days, people had somehow, someway managed to keep their activities from the authority which controlls, and the authority which protects the wellbeing of the union. Selfishness had spoiled the minds of the people of a remote, distant, farm town of Helingrain, Heingrid. What factor, which mischevious entity that might've caused this uproar stood unknown in the eyes and minds of every turmwächter member, officer, soldier, and commanding Ubermeisters, no one had any signs or indications. All which had to be done was deal the blow which would end the calamity which was now. For the town had ceased it's functions in revolt against the Stratocracy of Westhurst, against High Command. The question only remained how long they'd live their ignorance of self loathing, their selfishness. Unknown to Hubert Claud, the event organizer, and a very devote believer in the R.S.I. there was now a locomotive, a powerful, bod powered armored train equal to the combined wrath of thunder and it's fury. Rolling onwards on the tight and enduring train tracks was carried an iron behemoth, on its side were inscribed the words [i]Rapeun Festnung: Eisen Blitz II[/i]. Within it were the might of over two hundred riot specialized Turmwächter and ten men, above all others, ten men of the Schwere Garde. At the helm of the Eisen Blitz II stood Ubermeisterleit Gerd Aisenhow, a man standing on the brink of entering the High Command outer council. ''Herr Ubermeisterleit Aisenhow, we're 45 minutes from Helingrain. We're able to fire our Welt Schüttlers in 15 minutes, they're primed and ready.'' The helm of the train looked much like the command bridge of a battleship, these landcruisers, bound by the rails, were much like them in that regard, powerful machinations of death and destruction. ''Good. We'll call in assistance from Gebein Gultz VI in a combined bechuss of the traitiorous workers, they're probably being funded by some backwater nation to slow down our military supplylines.'' A black uniformed officer stated, standing at the very center of the command bridge, it was Aisenhow. A uniform decored by numerous medals and the typical incorperation of steel into the uniform that seemed unique of the Ubermeisters of the Westhurst Union. ''Herr Ubermeisterleit, one of the Schwere Garde kaiserkriegern requested for some of your finest liquids.'' a young man, pointy ears, and covered in an armour made of the strongest of steel, yet perfected with the use of aquitium, on his chin were the words [i]Armizch Conscripch[/i] engraved, seemingly burned into the flesh. A long silence was heard, in the visors of the bridge the landscape quickly flew past and mounds of snow were driven beyond field of vision. All men of the bridge were working in absolute silence and with one hand lying on the opposite shoulder, Ubermeisterleit Aisenhow was becoming exceedingly anxious about that little boy and what he spoke. Certainly, the Schwere Garde had exclusive access to all pieces of edibles and liquids onboard any military and civilian train, for free, but that didn't make him happy about it. With a slight irritation in his throat he spoke after a whiles silence. ''Bring them the Köninglich 1924.'' With a growing frown on his lips the pointy eared soldier knew it was time to report back to those who had sent him and report what he'd heard, and in the mean while Aisenhow was getting exceedingly angered by the overly prideful Schwere Garde, the elite warriors of High Command itself. ''How long until we can commence bombardierung?'' [h3]Festive Skies[/h3] The journey had certainly been an exclusive and special event for Ubermeisterung Creutz Kleiner and his two personal guards, men of the Kreuzfahrer corps. They would seem quite alien as they stepped beyond the iron cage of a simple transport vessel on the docks of a port beknown as Brizen. He gazed at every nook and cranny and was far too surprised by the lack of any single piece of well equipped and maintained military vessel, whilst he had seen and heard the focus of the nation which he now moves in was in the skies, but to this extent? Even his own Vaterland had access to a fleet, even if it was small. But he had no time for such thoughts, he had a very strict schedule up until the meeting inside the confines of the capitol of this supposedly great Empire driven from the history of endless slavery, to think that such spirit would drive them into the literal heavens was far too surreal for Creutz to believe before and he would be hard to convince otherwise. Accompanied by the two armor clad men, armed with simple side arms for the regular matter of adjusting to the culture of another nation. ''Herr Ubermeisterung, a man is approaching you from the north-north-west, ...'' Spoke one of the guards, his voice distorted and contorted by the filtrationdevice of his helmet. ''No matter, he's our guide for this visit, or well, the initial one, or so my information states.'' Creutz quickly walked forwards, discipline in his paces and upon this action the two guards followed well in suit with equal discipline, their trained nature was clear the instance they'd be seen, even by the numerous civilians and children mixed amongst the people wandering the port, some sort of minor festivities and tents scattered about. Upon the greeting and meeting with his guide he was quickly taken to one of the famed flying machines of these Walküren, people of the heavens. Upon the travel there Creutz asked about the tents earlier and he had been informed that it was some sort of festivity, a celebration of their liberation from slavery and them taking their stand in the worlds play, Creutz could see some resemblance, his own coalition of nations, the Westhurst Union, was also once part of a greater nation, but they'd fought themselves to liberty from such fates. Approximately 4 days later, after countless minutes preparing and investigating information from both Westhurst and Arkilla in a small, yet luxorious tavern in the center of the port of Brizen, they were onboard E.M.S. Alkeria. Once more escorted by their guide, which had now become a daily occurence, mainly because of her insistance on them seeing what the nation has to offer in terms of culture, and other things of interest to the Union. Creutz had made sure to note all and everything of importance, walking ot the edge of town every day to see, in the distance, flying dots in the skies. It was a large contrast from his cold and nostalgic vaterland where even crows questioned whether they should fly in the sky or not. But now Creutz was onboard one such machine, a military aerovessel nontheless, it was aweinspiring. However his typical Westhurstian mind would not be swayed so easily and he quickly began to pick at any possible flawed idea and theory of the appearance and technicallity of the vessel. Being greeted with a military face was no surprise onboard such a fine vessel, it was clear instantly to both Creutz and his guards that this was no vessel of simple qualities. Once guided to a room by both the guide and the local guards, Creutz was finally able to greet a man of similar status. ''I am Herr Ubermeisterung Adolf Creutz Kleiner, however, I go by Creutz Kleiner.'' With a small yet rough smile Creutz continued as he glanced towards the guide. ''Whilst it's nice to have such a nice, feminine face showing us the way, I much prefer someone who knows the trouble of setting up supplylines.'' Creutz laughed, exchanging handshakes with the Major. After learning their destination for the visit he was inclind towards letting go to his habit of saying anything he might think badly about and as they flew towards the capitol Creutz would engage in deep and intellectual conversation with the Major, exchanging and sharing ideas and debating formations, everything along those lines. Not much happened after, except their departure from the airship and contact with the capitol which seemed very special. It gave the same feeling that the great cities of Westhurst gave him when he first arrived there, it was truly a sight to be behold, a wonder of the modern world. The moment he left the deck of the vessel and took his first step on solid ground for many hours he was met instantly by a wall of people, the festival which he had seen prepared a couple days later was now in full swing and it was more obvious here than anywhere else. Time would be lost for Creutz here in the capital because time seemed to never tick, everything remained the same no matter how many hours or minutes seemed to have passed, people were celebrating without any limitations. Before Creutz knew he was sitting at the front row amongst the brightest, greatest military minds of the Arkillian Empire, and he took witness to a speach made by the Chancellor of the nation. It was a very interesting sight to behold, much unlike the unifying taunts and rallyings of Westhurst this was a more calmer, more disorganized approach to it, but it still hold fruit. He was met with interestingly conflicting ideas upon the observation. Just before the speech had begone Creutz had found himself talking with a Walküren officer, quite bright and intellectual, how he'd come to that he was unsure, but one thing he was sure of was the rapidity of the happenings of this gathering was incredibly new to him. In the end he found himself in a room, a conference room, well lit and well clad with good seats and an information board ready to be used should the situation call for it. In front of him stood one man and one woman by their respective seats, both of military status, it was noticable on their uniforms, and another seat inbetween them which was most likely for the Chancellor. Upon his arrival all of them sat down, excluding the guards who stood at each side of Creutz at utmost alert, yet they stood with an uncertain ease. ''Thank you, I am Herr Ubermeisterung Adolf Creutz Kleiner, Kaisermann of the Wolfeguard-Hylche division, it is an utmost pleasure to meet such high esteemed military officers and pilots, I have heard much of your accomplishments.'' Creutz said, a surprisingly noticable smirk running across his lips. He leaned back slightly in his chair, however he still remained his disciplined demeanor, not even a single fault could be found in the sharpness of his uniform, even. The Iron, steel and Aquitium cross, the Heiberngaizer Kross, glossing against the sunlight which flies through the window. ''Quite the beautiful celebration you have, a well made, rallying, empowering speech Lady Chancellor.''