Thought I'd try something interesting. If you have any suggestions on improving this or starting an adventure, feel free to tell me them! ------------------- [hider=Basic Stats]There are 6 basic stats: Willpower - Willpower, or "Will", provides your health(2X Will) and increases the chance of recovering(See "Combat"). Soul - Soul is used for skills and provides SP(1.3X Soul, rounded). While SP normally recovers at a constant rate over time, you can opt for a variant that is recharged by certain actions. For example, Macho Points(MP) could recover by punching bears, but would drain if you put on a puppy-print onesie. Resilience - Resilience, or "Resil", reduces the damage taken from attacks(See "Combat). It comes in two forms: E(lemental) and M(elee). MRSL and ERSL are equal to Resil, but get bonuses from items. Shields or similar provide MRSL while clothing generally provides ERSL. Skill - Skill gives bonus attack damage(See "Combat") and accuracy(See "Combat"). Speed - Speed increases evasion(See "Combat"), along with your movement's range(Speed/3) and flexibility. In order to to flee(See "Combat") or preform acrobatic acts such as jumping a fence, you need to have a high enough Speed stat. Luck - Luck increases the chances of getting a Critical Hit(1+Luck/3, 2.5X damage) and affects several actions outside of combat.[/hider] [hider=Combat]A "round" consists of each character's turn, which is ordered by decreasing Swift stat unless the defender was ambushed. If a character has at least twice the Speed of the character moving after, it has the ability to use two commands that turn. At the start of a turn, SP regenerates by (Soul/10). Damage is calculated by rolling dice--type and number varying from weapon to weapon--and adding half of your Skill before subtracting the damage by Resil. Hitting is determined by 2d20 + Skill - Enemy Speed, a hit being 5 or greater. Weapon advantage doubles either stat. Crits are 1d20 + (Luck/8). Successfully getting a Critical Hit raises the damage to 2.5X(rounded, before Resil reduction) When a player's health reaches 0, they make a "Recovery Save" at the end of each round after the one they fell. % Recovery Rate is determined by 5d20 + 2 +(Will/4), with 85 or greater being successful. Upon successful recovery, 1/3 of max health is regained. [hider=Commands]There are a number of actions that can be taken during a turn. Attack - A basic, costless attack. This is substituted by the command "Reload" when a ranged weapon is out of ammo, and spells require a small amount of SP in order to attack. Guard - Reduces damage taken that turn to 1/5(before applying Resil) and instantly ends turn(if there are any actions left). Trick - Use one of your character's abilities. Can cost HP or SP. Move - Move spaces up to your movement speed(Speed/3). Flee - Fleeing is calculated by rolling 2d20 + Speed - Enemy's Speed. The result must be 25 or greater, or a player must have fallen to successfully escape. Allies can follow for a guaranteed escape, but must roll if they are rescuing a fallen or movement-afflicted ally.[/hider] [hider=Attack Types]Melee - Most melee weapons do high damage and have extra effects. However, they almost always only hit once, are limited to pure melee damage and have short range(1-3 spaces). Ranged - Most ranged weapons hit multiple times, have long range(2-9), and can deal mixed damage(both Melee and Elemental). However, they tend to be lower damage and harder to come by than melee weapons. They also must be reloaded every so often, taking up a turn. Spell - Spells are learned from tomes, which are destroyed after use. Spells deal slightly more damage than ranged weaponry, but have slightly shorter range(1-6). Spells consume a set amount of SP, but can be charged over multiple turns, increasing damage and cost. There is also an attack triangle: Melee->Ranged->Spell->Melee. Utilizing the advantages doubles hit & evasion chance.[/hider][/hider]