It felt good for Victor to have his arm reattached, stretching and tested the limits of how well he could move his arm. As he was testing if he could safely reattach his arm from his sword form a small alarm went off and Victor received a message on his scroll. 'Sheathing' his blade, Victor made his way to the classrooms, chatting to Rayna along the way. "Sorry about losing my temper earlier, Captain. I shouldn't have gotten so angry. It was childish of me, I knew it wasn't your fault. I doubt anyone would desire to lose another person's arm" pausing for a bit Victor sighed and dropped back a bit behind Rayna "You said you bumped your head pretty bad right? Let's have a look then." Gingerly Victor brought his right hand up, paused and changed for his left [i]No one likes the feel of a cold metal hand[/i] slowly moving hair out of the way "I'm sorry Rayna, I was caught up in my own troubles and ignored your injury. From what I can tell it looks worse than it is, just... be careful, I'm not a doctor after all." moving back along side her, Victor went the rest of the way in silence. Making his way into the lecture hall Victor sat himself down near the front listening to the Teacher's every word. Upon revealing the arena Victor was slightly worried. There was no cover and Victor would be putting his abilities on display. Losing would not be the end of the world, but the instructor would want them to put their ability on full display, meaning Victor would have to use his arm cannon. Keeping an ear open for more information Victor checked his arm and as he feared a key rod was out of alignment and he would have no time to fix it. [i]Damn, I'm obviously going to have my work cut out for me here[/i] Victor heard that his opponent was someone called Greyson. He recognised the name from last night's ceremony and was in RPGD, but not much beyond that. Leaning forward Victor grabbed a pen and tried to get the key piece back into place in his arm before his test began.