[b]Closed to new applicants at this time[/b] War has changed. The world has changed. Battles are no longer between nations for political goals, but are fought as proxy wars by corporate funded and sponsored Private Military Contractors, many of which are as well-equipped and trained as National militaries once were. Politicians are relegated to being mouthpieces for corporations, their parties funded by money from corporate interests. And all the corporations want is the biggest share of peoples time and money, to further increase their control of market interests and profits. Amidst all of this, the everyday man or woman struggles to raise their family, to survive and thrive in this world driven to a frothing excitement over the next PMC deployment and battle, piped live into their home 24/7 from multiple angles directly from helmet-cam or cyber-eye feeds. War is everywhere. It is the new sport, the new big blockbuster, the big business opportunity. The new reality-TV thrill. Bush wars, jungle fights, urban CQB, freezing arctic combat and slogs through blistering deserts all rage on almost every continent, as armed militias, cults, terror groups and insurgents clash with PMC's, corporate security forces and national armed forces. Old soldiers and those remaining from the 'old world' shake their heads and remember what they'd dedicated themselves to; remember the words of their constitutions and oaths, and think: where did it all go wrong? In this new world of technology run rampant, where drones monitor overhead with ceaseless watchful eyes as cybernetically enhanced soldiers tangle with power-suited gene-modded warriors, there are still men with rifles and combat gear, who decide the outcome of a fight. A tank shell or a shrapnel splinter can still end a life a definitively as it could twenty years ago. Underneath all of this, those same old guards and watchful eyes have been drawing a pattern and have realized: there is a plan afoot. Someone is profiting from all of this, and these wars and expansions all have some final goal in mind. All of it traces back to shadowy individuals, legendary soldiers spoken of in reverential and fear-stricken voices. Men and women with exemplary skills and abilities on the battlefield, each involved with the various PMC's. Collectively, they have fought in many of the defining conflicts of the 20th and 21st century and have become renowned for the skills they showed there. Collectively, they are feared as the Dead Shadows, a unit of near-mercenary forces. Associated with various national forces and groups throughout the years, nobody knows who they answer to, only that, somehow, they are involved in this changing situation of war, and the corporations behind it. This council and organization within the apparatus of the United Nations and it's oversight committees, is intent on investigation and drawing a halt to this unmonitored expansion of PMCs and corporate control of the world. To respond, they form their own unit. Gathered from soldiers who are known for their skills, dedication, loyalty and results, they are formed into a Special Operations unit to combat the Dead Shadows and their PMC's, and to uncover the truth of the plan their masters have assembled. Formed to chase away the Dead Shadows, they are a renewing, purifying and cleansing fire, the Blaze Unit. [HIDER=Rules] [List] [*]Don't be an ass to others or to the GM. We're here to have fun.[/*] [*]This is a game with some sci-fi elements, but is not completely way out there. There are no superhero powers, no aliens, no zombies, no magical sorcerors, or other supernatural creatures. Everything has some kind of explanation... [i]mostly.[/i] Whatever magic does exist is like in the Indiana Jones movies - poke around with it too much, and you'll end up with your face melted, like that guy at the end of Raiders of the Lost Ark.[/*] [*]Equally, while real-world weapons do exist in this setting, and have the appropriate amount of power and impact (i.e., they will kill the shit out of you, no matter what fancy abilities you have), everything does not need to be slavishly detailed or adhered to. I don't care how many acronyms you use, the storyline and the dramatic impact is more important, and more interesting.[/*] [*]Swearing is allowed, but don't be excessive with it. Just use it appropriately. Stay within the forum rules, and try not to be crude or tasteless, and not to offend your fellow players.[/*] [*]The GM's word is law - I have final say on any and all plot decisions. And if I do not know about something - either something you've thought of for your character, or that exists otherwise - then it doesn't exist.[/*] [*]Mary Sues/Marty Stu's will be rapidly bought down to size with extreme prejudice. Your character cannot, and will not, be good at everything. If there's no challenge or danger, there's no drama and no excitement. You cannot sneak past everyone, auto-kill all of them, and hack into the master super-computer all on your own. Try it, and see what happens.[/*] [*]Meta-gaming, Power-gaming, God-modding and all other such forms of beardy munchkinning will be frowned upon, and practitioners will be ejected from the game.[/*] [*]This is a game inspired by MGS and other modern war and combat video games and works, it is not a fandom game. Therefore, things that exist in those games do not necessarily exist in this game.[/*] [/LIST] [/HIDER] [Hider=Character Sheet] Delete any notes in italics, there are there for your guidance. [B]Character Name:[/b] [B]Age:[/b] [i]Your character must be an experienced soldier, therefore a minimum of 25 years of age is desired. A maximum would be of around 50[/i] [B]Appearance:[/n] [i]Description or picture. Anime, artwork or photos are all fine. As long as they look modern or near future military. Not too futuristic[/I] [B]Personality:[/b] [i]A short paragraph outlining your characters' personality and behavioural traits, how they react to others and such, how they face challenges. Likes and dislikes, their outlook on life.[/I] [B]History:[/b] [i]A short version of their life history and service record. Try not to make them too legendary, but not too humble either.[/I] [B]Special Talents or Skills:[/b] [i]Any particular areas in which they excel, or any unusual abilities they may possess. Abnormal reaction times, uncanny danger sense, minor empathy, incredible healing (not to Wolverine levels, but faster), and such are acceptable. Firing lasers from your eyes, flying and telekinesis are not acceptable. You don't have to have a special ability.[/i] [B]Personal Weapons & Equipment:[/b] [i]A list of commonly used personal weapons or equipment. You need not carry all of them all the time, and you may not have them with you on every missions, but they can be a list of your characters' 'favourites' or the ones they are best with. It doesn't need to be a catalogue, just a few examples. And some list of their person gear in the field is also helpful.[/i] [B]Personal Theme:[/b] [i]An optional piece of music that can be associated with your character, or you feel is appropriate to them[/i] [/HIDER] [HIDER=Character List] [*][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10907/posts/ooc?page=1#post-257702]Silverwind's Character[/URL][/*] [*][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10907/posts/ooc?page=1#post-242862]Rafale's Character[/url][/*] [*][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10907/posts/ooc?page=1#post-243208]Grayscythe's Character[/url][/*] [*][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10907/posts/ooc?page=1#post-245186]The Roman07's Character[/url][/*] [*][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10907/posts/ooc?page=1#post-245890]HopelessIncubus' Character[/URL][/*] [*][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10907/posts/ooc?page=1#post-246054]Rultaos' Character[/URL][/*] [*][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10907/posts/ooc?page=1#post-249851]Peyote's Character[/url][/*] [*][URL=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/10907/posts/ooc?page=1#post-252818]jman221's Character[/url][/*] [/hider]