Warm wind is blowing trough desolate plain of red rock and metal, making peculiar noise as it swirls inside an husk of colossal warmachine, one of hundreds that litter this barren place. Once this field was known as sector Zeta-001-, turning point of the great war, where one side gained upper hand over the other, forcing premature deployment of "The Device." And all of this was lost in history, unaccessible data. It has been a year since first pulse of awakenings, an unexplained jolt of energy that jumpstarted many robotic beings who were still mostly intact, having only been shut down and drained of all power by the device. Waking up to find devastated landscapes, young forests of short trees, rivers of rust colored water and massive debris fields caused by fallen low orbit ships and war satellites. There are powersources here for instinct driven robots to find but competition is fierce, many have united in loose gangs to ensure their collective survival, some hunt alone, some are still fighting an imaginary war long since ended. And then there are the beasts, robots that went insane and violent by the pulse, losing all but combat programming, they roam to annihilate without thought or mercy until their powercells run dry. There has been new pulses since the first, happening at seemingly random or by algorithms unimaginable, each pulse creates new gangs, new hunters and worst of all, new beasts. So all in all, it has been hell of an year to those who awakened first, those who have survived till now have dubbed themselves: "[b]Cortex Lords[/b]" Suddenly the scenery of Zeta-001- experiences sounds of life, steps to be sure, of gigantic nature. From horizon rises a towering construct of metal, moving forward, slow but undeterred. One mark771 mining colossus that has clearly seen better days scans the plains as it moves along, shaking the ground and wreckage with each step. With metallic groan it speaks as if to itself. "[b]Sheltering rock formation in immediate vicinity... Two large bases in horizon... Unidentified...[/b]" Colossus was not alone however, tall metallic humanoid standing on its shoulder responded to this survey. "[i]Military bases to be sure. Excellent, we may find powersources yet before sundown, and maybe even peasants![/i]" "[b]Please define peasant my liege...[/b]" "[i]Peasants use shovels to grow power from ground, they also fight for their king.[/i]" "[b]Sounds useful indeed... PULSE INCOMING![/b]" In a moment King124 confirmed the energy signature, another pulse was resounding around the plain, first one in three months! More automatons were awakening! Closest signatures were coming from around nearby stone columns that had sheltered the now awakening robots in there for years. And naturally it is kings duty to always be present when someone emerges from deep slumber. "[i]Stop here Ferug and open the gates! Prepare me a feast of energy and lubricants, I shall appear wealthy indeed![/i]" Soon enough Ferug dropped on his knees with a loud crash, opened hatches within its abdomen and appeared to be more a portable watchtower than a mining construct. [img]http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs18/i/2007/214/d/2/Robot_by_Xhui9.jpg[/img]