[quote=@Zaresto] [hider=Vestig-881J] Name: Vestig-881J, does not have nickname, despises them, due to the fact that he sees names as a construct of humans. [url=http://fc08.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/071/d/c/the_end_by_thompson46-d3bgft7.jpg]Appearance[/url] Size: Measures at about 6' 2" Unit history: A modified worker bot, Vestig-881J's primary role within the war was sabotage and assassination, however in rather unorthodox ways. His conception being traced back to guerrilla fighters of the war, Vestig-881J and his creators were not given much to work with, thus, they had to improvise when it came to his technology. Without any explosives or real firepower, Vestig-881J's creators were forced to commission him to stealthier actions, which turned out to be a success, especially due to the technology they pumped into his armament. Memory: He remembers only how he was freed from the grasps of his creators, the time when he was shut down while returning to his charging station on foot. Equipment: -Two 12" buzz-saw carried on his back -Hands and feet are lined with material to help him grip onto most surfaces with relative ease -Left hand has the capability of transforming into a compact yet powerful 10" long drill -Right hand can transform into a zero-point energy field manipulator, which allows for the manipulation of objects, mainly being able to easily shoot an object at high velocities and then be able to pick that object up again based off of very complicated science. It allows Vestig-881J to manipulate various items around him, up to a certain weight, but he mainly uses it to shoot his buzz-saws. Skills: -Able to move quickly and quietly -Basic knowledge of combat tactics Ranks: Ranging from A to D, A being the strongest, try to keep it balanced, basic abilities that I will reference if need arises Combat: B Memory: C Speed: A Companionship: D Electronics: B Wisdom: C Initializing data retrieval: COMPLETE[/hider] [/quote] Interesting! Welcome aboard! lets however put some limitation on zero-point energy field manipulator, it is after all handmounted model on a humanoid robot, objects like the buzzaws, largish stones and explosive shells etc etc should be ok, but no picking up other adult sized robots or anything larger than that ok? :)