[quote=@HaltingBlooper] Name: Blizzard Nickname: Blizz Gender: Male Age: 189 Powers: Control over ice, snow, and freezing wind, flight. Species: Ice Dragon Appearance: [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs24/i/2007/314/7/2/Ice_Dragon_by_Ironshod.jpg[/ Crush: None Personality: Blizzard is generally laid back, and enjoys doing things with his sister. He is a bit overprotective of her, and can get upset. History: He raised his sister, on account of being much older and his parents dying. They are closely bonded as such, and he prefers to stay near. Dragons 4ever, sister CS coming soon [/quote] Your pic is not showing (i ha to copy the link into my web bar) please fix if you can.