[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ag0Uf3p.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Name[/b]: K-9 Mk. 1 - Codenamed: CERBERUS [b]Appearance[/b]: [hider=Cerberus][img]http://img2.ruliweb.daum.net/mypi/gup/a/204/5/o/4309088620.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Size[/b]: Three-and-a-half feet at the shoulder, and six-and-a-half feet in length. Weighs close to 200 pounds. [b]Unit history[/b]: The K-9 unit was a prototype experiment in creating a highly-advanced recon and combat unit, equipped with vast amounts of intelligence, allowing it to converse and share data with humans easily. The CERBERUS unit was the first fully-operational model used in field use, and exceeded base standards given for the model's capabilities. The K-9 Mk. 1 was built for high-profile assassination, recon, and stealth missions while being equipped for open combat if necessary. Problems developed later on in field use when the Mk. 1 appeared to develop a sense of empathy and morality, lacking the drive or will needed to senselessly kill enemies like other combat units did. As such, the Mk. 1 was forbidden from field use until further adaptations could be made to its CPU system. [b]Memory[/b]: Cerberus' memory was wiped shortly after being banned from field use. As such his purpose and reason for being built are unknown to him, though occasional flashes of his old memory are made available to him at random times, due to his highly advanced CPU unit. Cerberus holds no disdain towards humans in particular, but also does not show extreme loyalty towards them either. [b]Equipment[/b]: Due to being built more for reconnaissance and scouting purposes, Cerberus lacks the heavy weaponry found in more front-line units. For range, Cerberus is equipped with a single shoulder-mounted machine gun, equipped with a built in laser-sight and a synchronization feature that co-operates with Cerberus' own sensors. Alongside this are a variety of spring-loaded high-frequency knives, superheated to the point they can sear through metal. For melee purposes, Cerberus' body is equipped with knife-like blades attached to the underside of each leg, blade-like claws, and sharp canine teeth that make him extremely deadly up-close. Lastly, Cerberus' tail can function as a weapon in itself, should the need call for it. Weaponry aside, Cerberus' model is equipped with a stealth camouflage unit integrated into his frame, bending the light around Cerberus and rendering him virtually invisible. However, this module is a prototype, and thus usually does not last long and spontaneously shorts out. Cerberus' sensors contain a thermal heat vision, night vision, and limited x-ray vision modules to enhance his already powerful vision. Lastly, Cerberus' body is also equipped with a music radio, audio recording and playback feature, vocabulator (allowing him to speak), and a highly advanced database that allows him to recover and document most any data he comes across, within the bounds of his programming. [b]Skills[/b]: -Highly adept skill in stealth and concealment -Excellent tracker and navigator -Staunch loyalty towards companions -A remarkable amount of knowledge in human psychology and philosophy -Combat tactics [b]Ranks[/b]: Combat: B Memory: C Speed: A Companionship: A Electronics: D Wisdom: A [b]Initializing data retrieval[/b]: COMPLETE