[quote=@arowne97] Name: Fang Nickname(optional): Fang the Eternal Age: He lost track after about 10,000. Not like it matters. He's the oldest dragon still alive, and doesn't look a day over a thousand. Gender: male Powers: Control over fire(duh); he's also been cursed with immortality, so he can't age, and actually just can't die, no matter how much he wants to. Species: Fire Dragon Appearance(s): [img]http://downloadwallpaperhd.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/Red-Fire-Dragon-HD-Wallpaper2.jpg[/img] Crush: Scarlet Personality: Fang is usually very calm, thanks to having thousands upon thousands of years of life. He's very wise, and never does anything he thinks isn't worth it. Despite looking young(for a dragon, at least), he has thousands of years' worth of wisdom, and can even speak the languages of the non-draconic races. History(optional): TBR Dragons4ever [/quote] Accepted [quote=@HaltingBlooper] Name: Blizzard Nickname: Blizz Gender: Male Age: 189 Powers: Control over ice, snow, and freezing wind, flight. Species: Ice Dragon Appearance: [img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs24/i/2007/314/7/2/Ice_Dragon_by_Ironshod.jpg[/img] Crush: None Personality: Blizzard is generally laid back, and enjoys doing things with his sister. He is a bit overprotective of her, and can get upset. History: He raised his sister, on account of being much older and his parents dying. They are closely bonded as such, and he prefers to stay near. Dragons 4ever, sister CS coming soon [/quote] Accepted