Dome awoke from his hibernation slowly. He could hardly remember anything, let alone why he was lying in a room filled with rubbish and rubble. He just lay on the ground for a while after waking, unsure what to do. He was made to explore unchartered planets, and he was sure he would have remembered being rocketed off to some unknown world filled with fauna or dust and being ordered to charter the lands for humans to come. He was certain rubble and rubbish weren't inventions on most baron landscapes. He brushed some small pieces of rubble off of his legs as he pushed himself upwards. The room he was in was obviously some kind of storage room, but the roof was caved in and it seems all it stored was rubbish. This didn't make Dome feel great about himself. Nevertheless, he set about finding a way out of this room, he was sure someone would tell him where he was and what he was supposed to be doing. He stumbled upon a door hidden behind a large piece of roof that was leaning against the wall above the door. He sidled inbetween the wall and the piece of roof and forced the partially open door to let him through by pushing against both ends using his back and leg. He seemed to be in some kind of military facility by the looks of things. Broken cameras were on just about every wall and he kept stumbling upon helmets and whatnot lying about on the floor. Every now and then, a red, gooey, copper smelling substance followed the helmets. The building was a maze, but he eventually found what looked to be some sort of elevator. Dome attempted to figure out how to work the elevator, but every time he pressed one of the many numbered buttons he was met with the disappointment of silence. He noticed a trapdoor on the ceiling of the elevator and jumped up to push it open. It revealed the elevator shaft housing a ladder that seemed to climb higher and higher into the endless darkness. Dome was ecstatic, it was in his code to venture into the unknown, he could feel it in his metallic bones. He clambered up into the elevator shaft and began the slow climb up to the roof. Five or ten minutes later and he had reached the roof. He had to once again force a few doors open, but he was just happy to have discovered something at the top of the ladder. The pattern of helmets and liquids was much less prevalent on this floor, but the small amount of helmets and whatnot there was did lead, Dome to the outside. He couldn't believe what he saw when he got outside. Mars! It had to be Mars! Red rocks, baron landscapes! Giant Robots! Dust! Dome suddenly felt something wrong. The first thing was that to his knowledge there were no military bases on Mars, the second was that there were no giant robots. He stood on a metal walkway, barely hanging by the loose bolts that stuck it to the cracked and crumbled walls. He made his way to the fire escape just around the corner and reached the ground in time to see the gate opening. His instincts made him draw his pistol, he hoped he wouldn't have to use it.