Name: IU MK-5 number 34829. Nicknamed "Jack" Appearance: [url=]Jack[/url] Size: 6'3, 300 pounds Unit history: The IU (infantry unit) was designed during the beginning of the war to serve as combat support and carry amunition to squads while humans still fought in the war. The unit was designed to look humanoid in form to make soldiers feel more comfortable while working with them. As the war waged on. The IU was upgraded several times up until the MK 5. It served as the back bone of military infantry for a long time up until the idea came to create massive war machines. Memory: Jack does not remember much about the past. While he does remember his role in the war as well as his combat programming. He doesn't remember much else. The last thing he remembers is grabbing someone and throwing them out of the way and then a missile hitting close by. He woke up with a messed up leg joint. Equipment: A standard issue military assault rifle, desert eagle 2 frag grenades, a broken wrist mounted grenade launcher, a titanium combat knife and 8 30round magazines for his assault rifle. 24 rounds for pistol. A broken scanner used to see weak points in heavily armored targets. Skills: Expert marksman and hand to hand combat. Can take apart any gun and put it back together. Ranks: Ranging from A to D, A being the strongest, try to keep it balanced, basic abilities that I will reference if need arises Combat: A Memory: D Speed: C Companionship: C Electronics: C Wisdom: C Initializing data retrieval: Complete