"Delta 779..........Delta 779..........Delta 779 confirm status" says an annoying voice in the darkness [B]Status, annoyed, why do you keep repeating yourself?[/B] says 779 as her sensors come on line "Status annoyed not found please initiate immediate system diagnosis" says the confused stasis computer. Giggling 779 realizes if she wants the protective seals to open she needs to mollify the simple program by playing ball. [B]Delta 779 system analysis Alpha 1147 Nominal, Beta 449 Nominal, Omega 6 Nominal, internal hydrogen fuel cell 100% pressure green, motive muscles viable, nano factory on line 6 by 6, sensors check positive.....[/B] she says spewing out personal information for about ten minutes Finally the stasis computer confirms her functioning status and she hears her coffin hiss open. Once she pushes open the lid she inhaled deeply even though she didn't need to breath. Looking around she has to adjust her visuals to UV because of a lack of light as her comms system opens up to catch a signals. Climbing out of the stasis capsule she retrieves her stealth suit's helmet that had been serving as the box's computer and put it on her head. 779 didn't know what had happened to the base she woke in but all her scans told her the tragic story of loss, the base was dead it's Triplex Tactical system inert. 779 was alone and it saddened her to think she was so she began exploring. She found the base hanger empty of any craft and the same was true for the other rooms she visited. It was during her exploration that she found the bones of a human an reverently picked them all up placing them later on a shelf among others in the lower crypt. For hours she scoured the base amassing a small amount of articles which she thought might prove useful in future. Then for reasons she couldn't explain if asked she began cache the things she'd found in hiding places. Once she was done she left the facility her stealth suit on low power but still very difficult to see. She moved slowly at first hopping from hard surface to hard surface so she would leave tracks revealing where she'd come from. When she found a stone dry wash 779 changed her pace and depowered her stealth suit using the wash to conceal her movements. 779 had difficulty explaining it but she felt so alone an sad after she'd found the human bones. Her emotional state so vexed her that she removed her helmet because it felt stifling allow the breeze to caress her face. 779 by human standards was quite a beauty and because she had been made as a companion she could pass all but detailed scans as a human woman. Her hair and skin were a synthetic organic product that could heal all on it's own but was more durable than the real thing. Her eyes today were a dark blue and could shift color in less than a second. "Why do I feel so all alone? She thought as she moved along.